Education Without Screaming

Education Without Screaming
Education Without Screaming

The issue of mutual understanding in the family is very important, because problems at home cause irreparable psychological damage to all family members. The issue of raising children and finding a common language is especially acute.

Education without screaming
Education without screaming

Agree that we quite often come across cases when an angry mother screams at her child because he dropped something, got dirty, etc. As a result, the baby cries, not understanding why they are yelling at him. Yes, you can understand mom - as a rule, the whole family is supported by her, she always has a lot of things to do, she gets tired and practically does not rest, her nerves accumulate … But what is the child's fault?

Why should your nerves and the nerves of those around you suffer as a result of your overwork? After all, you can find a way to calmly explain to the child what he did wrong so that this does not happen again. And you, if you feel that your strength is running out - ask your family for a day off and recharge - let peace and smiles reign in the family.

1) Psychological trauma that will interfere both in childhood and in the future.

2) Complexity and isolation.

3) Self-doubt.

4) The child will be afraid to take on some business and learn something, because he remembered that with every failure he received from his parents, instead of support, help and explanations, only aggression and a cry.

5) Communication problems.

6) If mom and dad set a bad example for children, then as a result, children in the future will have similar problems in the family due to the same behavior and screams.

1) Do not shout or swear - try to solve all problems with a calm explanation, examples, stories and sometimes it is better to treat something even with humor - take care of your nerves and your family.

2) Set a good and worthy example.

3) Support each other in any situation (after all, this is very important) and say at least sometimes that you love each other very much.

4) If you do not have the strength at some point to endure the child's behavior, tell him that you are tired and can (even perhaps reluctantly) scold him in the heat of the moment.

Try to maintain peace in the family - both in relationships with children and with loved ones. If something bothers you - learn to talk, and not to accumulate in yourself. Always put yourself in someone else's shoes before you say or do something. (For example, how would you react if you stained your dress and your husband shouted instead of supporting you). Everyone should rest at home and find peace, it is not for nothing that they say “My home is my fortress”. And more humor, as you know, laughter prolongs life.
