How to recognize contractions - many pregnant women ask themselves this question. In reality, it is simply impossible to miss the start of a contraction. But it is quite possible to confuse them with false ones.

What are contractions. A contraction is a contraction of the muscles of the pelvic organs. They contribute to softening and reducing the length of the cervix, as well as the dilatation of the uterus.
The appearance of sudden and short-term severe pain in the abdomen or lower back may turn out to be contractions. Contractions begin at intervals of 20 minutes and last for about 30 seconds, then the interval between contractions decreases and its duration increases.
How to identify training cramps. False contractions have nothing to do with contractions that begin early in labor. This is more of a workout for the expectant mother. False contractions are almost always painless and do not have a specific interval and duration. Such contractions may appear after the stress of a pregnant woman, or an experience and a storm of emotions that have arisen, after severe fatigue. Such contractions stop as suddenly as they appeared. To do this, the pregnant woman needs to change position, stand up and walk, bend over and take a few breaths.
The beginning of labor. With the appearance of regular contractions, the pain that appears increases and becomes longer, while the break is less and less, then this begins the first stage of labor. After that, it is necessary to notice how long the contractions take place and the break time between contractions. When there is a break of 4 - 5 minutes, and the pain during the contraction is more than a minute, then we can talk about the imminent birth of the baby.
In this observational way, you can recognize real contractions from false ones.