Every pregnant woman anticipates labor pains with impatience and at the same time with fear. What they are, only those who have already experienced the joy of motherhood know. But even for those who are about to give birth for the first time in their lives, it is necessary to prepare in advance for them, because a lot depends on the behavior of the woman in labor during labor.

Step 1
Contractions - involuntary, regular, from half a minute to 2 minutes, contractions of the uterus, which belong to the generic forces expelling the fetus. They indicate the beginning of the generic process.
Pain is a hallmark of the onset of labor. It grows gradually and passes in the same way. At first, contractions are felt as a slight discomfort in the lower abdomen.
At first, the interval between them is about half an hour (possibly more), while the contraction of the uterus lasts from 5 to 10 seconds. Gradually, their frequency, duration and intensity increase. The last contractions preceding the attempts have the maximum strength and duration.
Step 2
Often during labor, the mucous plug that protects the uterus from infection during pregnancy can come off. Its departure indicates the impending birth. This does not mean that they will begin on this particular day, but it is advisable to give up travel and spend this period more at home. If the mucous plug has come off 2 weeks before the expected birth, and blood is found in it, see a doctor immediately.
Step 3
Sometimes before the onset of contractions, the fetal bladder bursts. This is most typical for women who have first-born. The time of the outflow of amniotic fluid and their color must be remembered and reported to the doctor. In this case, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible.
Step 4
It is also necessary to go to the maternity hospital immediately if the interval between contractions is different and there is severe pain, as well as during repeated births. Very often, the latter occur much faster than the first birth, so it is better not to hesitate with this.
If such situations have not happened, go to the hospital when the time between contractions is reduced to 8 minutes.
Step 5
Often, you can feel periodic contractions of the uterus, believing that these are contractions. However, most often these are false contractions, which are harbingers of imminent birth. They prepare the mother's body for childbirth and are irregular.
The time interval between false contractions is not shortened. They usually appear after half an hour for four hours. You can stop such contractions on your own, for which just relax, take a shower, take a comfortable position and drink a glass of water. Massage of the sacral spine is also useful here.