How To Tell The Difference Between Training Contractions

How To Tell The Difference Between Training Contractions
How To Tell The Difference Between Training Contractions

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Training (false) contractions appear in women at different stages of pregnancy. They prepare the uterus for future childbirth, but they are not labor activity, since they do not affect the dilatation of the cervix. At the end of pregnancy, it is important to distinguish them from labor pains in order to timely go to the hospital.

How to distinguish between training contractions
How to distinguish between training contractions


Step 1

A contraction is a contraction of the walls of the uterus for a few seconds, an increasing and weakening tension in the abdomen, which at such moments seems to some women to be stone. Training contractions, or Braxton Hicks contractions, can start from 11 weeks of pregnancy and last until the end of pregnancy.

Step 2

To distinguish false contractions from birth, remember a few of their characteristic signs, which you can determine yourself:

weakness; painlessness; irregularity; short duration, a significant period of time between contractions; lack of rhythm; termination when changing position (if you roll over on the other side, stand up, walk, etc.).

Step 3

It can be difficult to determine the nature of contractions by sensation alone, so take a watch and track the duration of each contraction and the time between them. Take a warm, but not hot, bath or shower: false contractions will subside, and labor will intensify. Drink water or tea, take a walk in the fresh air: training contractions will calm down.

Step 4

If Braxton Hicks contractions cause you inconvenience and discomfort in the lower abdomen, take No-shpa or papaverine suppositories: they reduce the increased tone of the uterus and are shown to pregnant women at any time. Against the background of their reception, false contractions will stop, and generic ones will develop.

Step 5

The surest criterion for distinguishing training fights from real ones is cervical dilatation, but it can only be determined during a medical examination. If you are in doubt about the nature of your contractions, visit your obstetrician / gynecologist who is monitoring your pregnancy.

Step 6

If you do not feel the training contractions, do not worry: this is normal, since each woman's body is different. In addition, they can manifest themselves in different ways, for example, pain can occur not in the abdomen, but in the lumbar region.

Step 7

Remember that Braxton Hicks contractions are a normal physiological process, and take them calmly. But if they bother you, see your doctor to be on the safe side and prevent premature birth.

Step 8

In the event that the intensity of contractions increases, they become painful, regular with an interval of 10 minutes or less, bleeding appears, pain in the sacrum and lower back, go to the hospital: most likely, you are starting to labor, and your baby will soon appear on shine.
