Love For Books Since Childhood

Love For Books Since Childhood
Love For Books Since Childhood

One of the main problems of modern education is the inability of schoolchildren to understand the meaning of texts. For this reason, the guys cannot solve simple problems in mathematics and physics, and essays become for many something unimaginably difficult. You can avoid these difficulties if you instill in children a love of books in time.

Love for books since childhood
Love for books since childhood

Start teaching your child to read from a very young age, even if it seems to you that he does not understand the meaning of what you are reading to him. Start with children's books with bright, beautiful pictures and short rhymes. Explain the plots of the pictures in your own words, read the texts and ask the child to show a cow, bird, bear, girl, sun, etc. in the picture. Be sure to comment on the baby's actions with lines from the poem that is printed on the page.

The most convenient time for reading fairy tales is when you put your baby to bed. Let the child get used to the evening fairy tale in your performance - do not shift this responsibility to the TV with Piggy and Stepasha. Start with simple fairy tales and stories. Do not be surprised if the kid falls in love with some fairy tale to the point of oblivion and every evening asks him to read it. Do not try to make any changes to the fairy tale out of boredom - faith in the stability of the world around is very important for children. The plot of the fairy tale, which the kid learned almost by heart, just symbolizes this stability and confidence that justice will definitely prevail. Therefore, the child is so annoyed if parents skip plot twists or add their own.

After your child has learned to read, do not stop reading children's books in the evening. Now the stories will be longer and more entertaining, and reading one book can take several evenings. If you are convinced that the child is fascinated by the story and asks you to read a little more, answer: "I have absolutely no time right now, but you can read for yourself what happened next." Do not insist if you see that he is unhappy. Just read even less the next day and again invite your child to read on their own. Be sure to discuss with the children what they have read: their opinion about the plot, about the characters, how the guys would act in the place of the heroes … Thus, you will not only teach children to understand and analyze the text, not only develop their oral speech, but also get closer to them spiritually. The ability to talk frankly with your child will be very useful to you throughout your life.
