With the advent of computers, children read fewer books. If earlier the book was considered the best gift, now almost all information comes via the Internet. However, the practical value of the book does not diminish, so it is important to teach your child to love reading.

Step 1
To teach a kid to love books, parents themselves need to be well-read. If the family has a home library and trips to the bookstore are not uncommon, the child from childhood perceives the book as a necessary thing. Young children want to be like their parents, they repeat movements, emotions and even the intonation of their voices. Parents are the authority for children, and a parent's habit of reading books influences a child's outlook.
Step 2
From early childhood, it is necessary to purchase educational books for a child so that he gradually gets used to reading. It would be nice to read with mom every night before bed.
Step 3
Read books even for very young children. Don't replace this process with watching cartoons. Explain to your child that books need not only be loved, but also cherished, so you cannot tear and draw in them.
Step 4
You can buy books with which the child will be able to "communicate" and express himself creatively: coloring books, books teaching drawing, writing, counting. This way, parents will combine the fun of the baby with his development.
Step 5
Get a book of fairy tales, where each fairy tale begins with a beautiful big letter. The child will quickly learn all the letters from this book, unnoticed by yourself.
Step 6
When the family arranges literary readings and discusses the book they have read with the child, it will not be difficult to teach the child to love books. This will give the baby pleasure and positive emotions.