Consciousness As A Reflection Of Being

Consciousness As A Reflection Of Being
Consciousness As A Reflection Of Being

Depending on the living conditions of a person, social status, type of work and communication with other people, the so-called product of society is formed - consciousness, being nothing more than a conscious being.

Consciousness as a reflection of being
Consciousness as a reflection of being

Consciousness as a property of brain matter

Consciousness is a form of ideal being, the ability of a person to perceive the world around him with the help of his brain. Consciousness evokes various emotions and thoughts, thereby, as it were, forcing a person to learn about the environment. In addition, the need for practical activity obliges a person to think, analyze and draw conclusions. As a result of these manipulations and reflections, a person, based on his needs, forms his mental model of being. Consciousness is closely interconnected with speech and language. Indeed, without the basis for the formation of language, generalized reflection and expression is impossible. Neither sign language nor facial expressions are capable of expressing the transmission and exchange of information.

Conscious and unconscious

The human psyche can have a conscious and unconscious form. Consciousness is characterized by a high level of development of the human psyche. The main function of consciousness is the deepest knowledge of nature, society and man.

The structure of human consciousness is fraught with a large number of cognitive processes, with their help a person constantly replenishes his knowledge and experience. These are processes such as sensation and perception, memory, imagination and thinking.

Through sensations and perceptions in human consciousness, a picture of the world is formed as it is visible to a person at the moment. Memory renews the past in consciousness, imagination builds models and images of forms of needs that are absent at the present time. Thinking solves problems using generalized knowledge. The so-called unconscious is an indispensable part of the mental activity of every person. From a scientific point of view, understanding the unconscious has two main types: the theory of psychoanalysis and the theory of the unconscious psychological attitude.

Psychoanalysis studies consciousness and the unconscious as mutually exclusive elements of mental activity. And the psychology of the attitude takes as a basis the idea of the whole psyche and is based on the idea of the unity of the human personality. The unconscious is the world of the reflection of the psyche, it is the interaction of involuntary mental phenomena, it is a system of innate reflex reactions, and finally, it is a human mental phenomenon, which is characterized by the conditions of human consciousness. As a public product, consciousness is inherent only in people. Animals are deprived of consciousness.
