Psychic Reflection Is A Subjective Image Of Reality

Psychic Reflection Is A Subjective Image Of Reality
Psychic Reflection Is A Subjective Image Of Reality

Communication with the outside world is a kind of communication within each individual person, which certainly proceeds in its own way. But effective interaction is possible only if this person has his own subjective opinion, vision of the picture of the world.

Psychic reflection is a subjective image of reality
Psychic reflection is a subjective image of reality

What is psychic reflection?

The process of formation of certain conditions in which there is, or will occur, the activity of the individual is a mental reflection. The result of such a reflection of the psyche is a completely subjective assessment of external or internal data about the world, which in general represents some kind of model of the surrounding reality.

This subjective approach allows you to live and satisfy your personal needs. It is worth noting that mental reflection is necessarily a process directly related to the subject. However, the idea of the processes of the psyche through the prism of thinking, perception or imagination is only a model of the psyche, in reality it is more integral.

The role of psychic reflection is to create a single, more structured image of variegated objects of the surrounding reality.

Mental Reflection Levels

Sensory-perceptual. An individual, or a subject, relying on the information that he receives, as a result of stimulating the sense organs with real objects, builds his own line of behavior, that is, reacts to events in the way he thinks he should act in a given situation.

Representation level. Images can arise without the direct participation of other objects on the individual's sense organs. In other words, there is imagination, an endless process of figurative thinking. The essence of such a function is in planning, self-control and correction of actions.

Verbal-logical thinking. At this level, the ongoing brain operations are even less connected with the events of the current time, regardless of their relevance. The subject uses only logical concepts and techniques formed in the process of a person's cultural and historical development. He builds his personal experience on the basis of those values that have developed based on his mentality.

So, in the definition of subjectivity, the concept of the bias of the subject participates. Psychologists have always been interested in the dependence of the subject's perception, thinking on his needs, internal attitudes. Thus, we can conclude that the concept of the psyche includes not only the reflection of objects of reality, but also the concept of consciousness.
