When all the troubles associated with the birth of a baby are over, the question arises of how to name the baby. What should be guided by when choosing a name: beauty of sound, fashion or memory of a friend? Whatever your motives, try to make your child happy with the option you choose.

Step 1
There are no exact instructions on how to do this correctly. In ancient times, everything was much simpler - people were guided by the calendar, naming the child the name of the saint who celebrated the name day on that day. But these times have sunk into oblivion, a new age of freedom of choice has come.
Step 2
When choosing a name for a child, do not forget that it is this word that a person hears most often throughout his life. Any name is a combination of sounds of different heights, which are a certain irritant for the human brain. Under the influence of these sounds, the character of the child is formed. For example, firm, tough-sounding names such as Zhanna, Dina, Igor and Dmitry develop persistence and stubbornness, independence, independence and decisiveness in their bearers. Light, soft, chanted names can guarantee an agreeable and obedient child in advance. If you want your baby to be calm, call him by such a name as Svetlana, Irina, Natalia, Mikhail, Vera, Sergey, Alexey and Alexander.
Step 3
It's good if the name is easy to remember and pronounce. Also, it should be in harmony with the middle name. Difficult to pronounce combinations can become a hindrance to communication, because will cause excitement in the one who is talking, and a feeling of awkwardness in the one who is being addressed. In the end, this can bring suffering to your child, especially in vulnerable childhood, provoking the development of an inferiority complex.
Step 4
It is equally important that the name and patronymic are harmoniously combined with each other, pronounced softly and not difficult to understand. When choosing a name, try to say all the options you are considering out loud. You will immediately feel the difference when pronouncing, for example, Alexei Mikhailovich and Dmitry Stanislavovich. The sound will be harmonious only if the stress in both words falls on the same syllable, and there are not a lot of vowels or consonants at the junction of words.
Step 5
Don't choose a name that is in stark contrast to your last name. For example, a combination of a beautiful rare name with the most ordinary surname will sound funny and ridiculous. It is unlikely that your daughter will be happy to be, for example, Ariadna Sidorova.
Step 6
It is better to choose a name for which it will not be difficult to choose a diminutive form. So, Alexander can be called Sasha, Sanechka or Shurik.
Step 7
In no case should the name evoke unpleasant associations in people. You should not condemn a child to a difficult life, naming him in honor of any significant event or a great person. Revolution, Olympics, Stalin or Napoleon are not the best names for a child. Also, you should not name the baby in honor of your favorite movie characters or great people, especially if the middle name or surname coincides. The child may not correspond to the big name, which can subsequently cause ridicule from others.
Step 8
Don't be tempted to name your son after your father or your daughter after your mother. This will create great difficulties in communication, it will be very difficult for them to find a common language. The same name and patronymic threaten the child with imbalance and increased irritability. This is due to the fact that inherited character traits from parents, especially when repeating names, are multiplied and take on a negative connotation.
Step 9
Also, do not give the child the name of deceased relatives or those of them who have lived a difficult life. Do not risk your child's happiness, he should not repeat someone else's fate.