Any expectant mother with trepidation comes up with a name for her baby. The main thing is to make this choice correct, because the name will accompany the child all his life. In ancient times, people attached great importance to the name. It was believed that it has magical powers and therefore they gave the newborn several names at once.

The sound of the name
When choosing a name for a child, you need to take into account how the name, surname and patronymic of the baby will be combined. You should not choose a rare name for a fairly common surname, as they will discord with each other and cause ridicule from others. For example, David Sidorov, Aksinya Ivanova - sounds silly. Also, do not combine a rare patronymic and a Slavic name - Matvey Eduardovich, Ilya Lvovich. It will be much easier for a child in the future if his surname, first name and patronymic are euphonious.
Originality of choice
Many parents want to choose a rare, unique name for their child. But do not get carried away, because the baby will not be easy in society if the name is too rare or represents a foreign form. The child will have to repeat it several times when meeting people. And in the worst case, evil jokes from peers will await him. For example, the names Milan, Kalida, Aksinya, Svyatogor, Beloslav and many others are pleasant to the ear, but alien to modern society, and they are not remembered the first time.
Abbreviated form of name
When choosing a name, it is worth considering how you can name your child in everyday life. Sometimes it happens that the full name sounds very nice, pleasant to the ear, but its abbreviation is not very successful, for example, Matvey - Motya, Aksinya - Sia, Yesenia - Yesya, Senya. We must not forget about how the kid's peers will perceive the abbreviated name.
Diminutive forms of the name
You should also think about what diminutive forms you can call the child. It is difficult to find such a form for a rare name, but for common ones it is not a problem at all. Our ancestors have already taken care of a variety of derived names, for example, there are more than 20 affectionate forms for the name Natalya.
You shouldn't do that
You cannot call a child by the name of a close relative, because fate may repeat itself. Especially you should not do this if the relative had a difficult character and was unhappy. It is undesirable to call the twins consonant names, for example, Sasha - Pasha, Anya - Tanya, Misha - Grisha. Since babies are already closely related to each other, and with similar names it will be much more difficult for them to stand out as individuals.
The kid will help
Sometimes it happens that parents come up with a name for their child even when he is in his mother's belly. And at the birth of a child, observing his habits, appearance, they understand that the name was chosen incorrectly. Therefore, you should not call the baby so early. You need to wait a few days after the birth of the baby, observing his behavior, character, and intuition will tell you the right choice itself.