Before conception, a couple needs to check the condition of all organs and systems and cure all existing chronic diseases. It is very important to get tested for STIs and determine the blood type and its Rh factor.

Step 1
According to scientists, the fertility of men and women is no longer the same as it was 15-20 years ago. Many couples today are unable to conceive and have a child for many reasons. And if earlier it was not accepted to prepare for the birth of children, today a couple before conception is recommended to pass a series of tests that will help identify and cure all possible diseases before pregnancy and prevent unwanted complications.
Step 2
Both a man and a woman need to visit a therapist, do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, abdominal cavity and thyroid gland. Women to have an ultrasound of the mammary glands. It is imperative to consult a dentist, as many infections can disrupt the course of a normal pregnancy and enter the body from teeth affected by caries. The couple must have a blood and urine test.
Step 3
A woman needs to come to an appointment with a gynecologist and undergo all the necessary examinations: take a smear for microflora and STIs, do a colposcopy. Both you and your husband will be tested for your blood type and Rh factor. If a blood test for antibodies to the Rh factor gives a positive result, the pregnancy will have to be postponed and the state of health corrected. If the result is negative, pregnancy can be planned, but in the future you and your husband will need to take this test, as well as the test for group antibodies once a month, starting from the 8th week of pregnancy.
Step 4
TORCH-complex will detect antibodies to toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes, chlamydia and cytomegalovirus. Depending on its result, the question of planning pregnancy or correcting the condition will be raised. To get an idea of how the ovaries work, a woman will need to draw up a basal temperature chart. If the doctor identifies some abnormalities in him, he may prescribe a blood test for hormones. With the help of a hemostasiogram and a coagulogram, blood clotting is determined. Congenital and initial disorders of the state of the coagulation system are corrected in advance.
Step 5
At the planning stage, lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to chorionic gonadotropin and antibodies to phospholipids are determined. This examination will reveal the factors of early miscarriage. Both you and your husband need to donate blood for chromosome analysis. As a result, you can get data on the likelihood of having an unhealthy child due to an imbalance in the chromosomes.
Step 6
A man must definitely pass a spermogram. She will assess the quality of sperm, the number and motility of sperm, and also show the presence of hidden inflammatory processes. Also, the partner, like the woman, needs to be tested for STIs.