People have united in pairs since ancient times, and today they continue to actively seek a companion for themselves. The couple makes plans for the future and spends their entire lives together, not wondering why this is necessary.

Relationships between people are of a different nature - from friendly to romantic. The latter are especially often examined by psychologists, and people themselves sometimes ask themselves the question - why do I need a partner? Yes, there are those who choose loneliness in life. But the majority seeks to connect with another person.
The reason for creating a couple, first of all, is the unconscious aspirations inherent in people by nature itself. This is the instinct of procreation, which is driven by males of animals, and the desire to take care of an individual of a kind, inherent in females. These impulses push people towards each other, forcing them to create strong, and sometimes not very, alliances. Initially, males are not inherent in monogamy, but evolution is increasingly bringing men closer to this particular form of relationship. Now their task is not to fertilize as many females as possible, but to create an alliance with one woman.
In some people, instincts are especially strong, and they create couples precisely because of the desire to continue their race. Men often hear "I want a son", from women - "I dream of a husband and children." The first means that a person understands that he is not eternal, life can end at any moment, and it is possible to prolong its existence in time only with the help of heirs. The second statement refers to the feeling of inferiority, not being fully involved in life. A woman seeks to fulfill her destiny, and before that she feels uncomfortable.
In addition to subconscious reasons for finding a partner, there are social ones. That is, people unite in unions in order not to stand out, to lead life like everyone else, because it is customary. It is also accepted to create a family, to give birth to children, to live together. Finding a soul mate refers to finding a sense of stability, balance, balance in life.
In a couple, a person is looking for his reflection, a soul mate, someone who can always be relied on and who will never refuse help. Therefore, building relationships is also constant support for each other.