What Tests Do A Man Need To Take When Planning A Pregnancy?

What Tests Do A Man Need To Take When Planning A Pregnancy?
What Tests Do A Man Need To Take When Planning A Pregnancy?

Pregnancy planning is not only a woman's business, but also a man's. Despite the fact that he does not have to bear the baby, the man gives the child his genetic material, so the responsibility for passing the necessary examinations lies on the shoulders of both spouses.

What tests do a man need to take when planning a pregnancy?
What tests do a man need to take when planning a pregnancy?

Fortunately for the stronger sex, men tend to have far fewer tests when planning a pregnancy than women. The future father must pass:

  1. General blood analysis. This is a standard procedure that is prescribed for almost all health screening requests. It helps to track certain diseases, problems with blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and the number of platelets. red and white blood cells. In addition, a man needs to know his Rh factor in order to refute the possibility of a Rh conflict in a future mother and child.
  2. General urine analysis. This test is also standard and familiar to many. It helps to assess the quality of the functioning of internal organs, in particular - the kidneys, liver and urinary system.
  3. A blood test for STIs. Sexually transmitted infections are diseases that can seriously harm both parents and the unborn baby. These include HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and syphilis.
  4. Blood test for TORCH infection. The abbreviation TORCH is the first letters of the Latin names of diseases that can pass asymptomatically in an adult, but negatively affect the unborn baby: toxoplasmosis (toxoplasmosis), rubella (rubella), cytomegalovirus (cytomegalovirus), herpes (herpes simplex virus).

This is a series of tests that are usually prescribed for men when planning a pregnancy. Other tests, such as a spermogram or examination by a geneticist, are optional and are prescribed by the doctor according to the man's history. More serious studies of a man's health will be needed if pregnancy with regular unprotected intercourse does not occur for more than a year.
