What Tests Should A Woman Take When Planning A Pregnancy?

What Tests Should A Woman Take When Planning A Pregnancy?
What Tests Should A Woman Take When Planning A Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a period of increased stress for a woman's body. In order for it to proceed as comfortably as possible, it is advisable to pass the necessary examinations at the clinic in advance and talk to the gynecologist on all the questions that arise.

What tests should a woman take when planning a pregnancy?
What tests should a woman take when planning a pregnancy?

The very first step in planning a pregnancy should be a visit to a gynecologist. It is he who, after collecting anamnesis, a thorough examination of the pelvic organs and a cytological smear, will direct the patient to take the necessary tests. But there is the most general list of tests, which is adjusted depending on the state of health.

  • General blood analysis. This analysis helps to identify the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, as well as the level of hemoglobin, the number of erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes. In addition, both partners need to know exactly their blood group and Rh factor in order to avoid or prevent the possibility of a Rh conflict.
  • Biochemical blood test. Biochemical study of blood composition helps to objectively assess the state of human internal organs and metabolism. Information on blood sugar and cholesterol levels is also very helpful.
  • Blood test for diseases. When planning a pregnancy, you need to know for sure that the expectant mother does not suffer from such serious diseases as HIV, hepatitis Syphilis. To do this, you need to donate blood for the detection of antibodies to this series of diseases.
  • Analysis for TORCH infections. TORCH infections are infections that, while asymptomatic in adults, can seriously harm a developing fetus. These infections include toxoplasmosis (t - toxoplasmosis), rubella (r - rubella), cytomegalovirus infection (c - cytomegalovirus), herpes (h - herpes simplex virus).
  • Visit to the dentist. A must on the preparation list is the treatment of all dental problems. Tooth decay and other diseases can not only bring the expectant mother the strongest discomfort, but also harm the child.
  • In addition to a number of mandatory tests, the doctor can send the patient for a general urine test, hormone analysis, and examination by a geneticist (if a married couple has severe hereditary diseases).

The advance delivery of all tests will help the doctor identify possible diseases that need to be eliminated, draw up the necessary course of taking multivitamin preparations and prepare the body of the expectant mother for the most comfortable state during pregnancy.
