Do I Need To Take Complex Vitamins During Pregnancy

Do I Need To Take Complex Vitamins During Pregnancy
Do I Need To Take Complex Vitamins During Pregnancy

The health of the unborn child largely depends on what vitamins and minerals come from the mother's body. Can a pregnant woman get all the necessary substances from food or should she take complex vitamins?

Vitamins during pregnancy
Vitamins during pregnancy

In order for the baby to develop correctly in the womb, he needs a lot of vitamins and minerals, which he can only get from the mother's body. Therefore, it is necessary for a woman to eat daily foods: cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meat (especially beef, rich in iron). However, many women experience toxicosis during pregnancy. It usually happens in the first trimester and ends by the 15th week. During this period, it is difficult for a woman to adhere to the principle of a balanced healthy diet, because many foods cause nausea or vomiting. With especially severe forms, the expectant mother practically cannot eat. In this situation, taking complex vitamins is necessary to maintain the health of both the baby and the mother.

If a woman eats well, adheres to the principles of a healthy diet, taking multivitamins is not needed. An excess of any substances can also adversely affect the health of the unborn child.

Some women do not eat certain food groups. For example, do not eat meat or dairy foods. In this case, the expectant mother should not take vitamin complexes, but individual vitamins.

Before purchasing vitamins, a woman should consult with a doctor who is pregnant. Only he will be able to choose the necessary combination of individual vitamins or prescribe the optimal complex.
