What Lifestyle Should Expectant Mothers Lead Before Conception?

What Lifestyle Should Expectant Mothers Lead Before Conception?
What Lifestyle Should Expectant Mothers Lead Before Conception?

When a young woman decides to have a child, it changes her life completely. Behavior and attitude towards one's health is very important for the course of pregnancy and the development of the unborn baby. What needs to be added to life before making such an important decision, and what should be immediately abandoned?

What kind of lifestyle should expectant mothers lead
What kind of lifestyle should expectant mothers lead

The expectant mother should set clear goals for herself and try to change her lifestyle.

  • The first thing that needs to be erased from your life is drugs, even the easiest ones, because they will not be such for a child.
  • Alcohol, you should also give it up. At least during pregnancy planning. It destroys not only the nerve cells and female hormones of a woman, but can also cause congenital alcohol dependence, which entails serious consequences.
  • Smoking is another habit worth getting rid of. Smoking can cause such ailments as fetal hypoxia, complications of anemia, shortness of breath and placental abruption, which will complicate the course of pregnancy and significantly affect the health of the mother and child.
  • You should not give up sports, you just need to reduce the load or replace an active sport with a more passive one, for example, do yoga. Before planning a pregnancy, select and take a prenatal vitamin course. Pay special attention to vitamins of group "A", "E" and folic acid.
  • Protect yourself from stress and adverse factors, get tested at the hospital.

Do not forget - everything that is done at the stage of planning a pregnancy affects its course, childbirth and the health of the baby as a whole.
