To be the best for a woman, you need to treat her with tenderness, love, pamper and delight in little things. You need to say warm words as often as possible and be affectionate, constantly improve and arrange pleasant surprises.

Step 1
Make her something tasty for breakfast and bring her to bed. This is a very touching gesture, especially if you complement it with a lovely flower and you manage not to wake her up when you cook.
Step 2
Confess your love to her if you haven't already. These three banal words work wonders, remind of your feelings as often as possible, but do not overdo it so that she does not get bored of the confessions. Write about it on the foggy glass, in the snow, in the most unexpected places.
Step 3
Watch your appearance. Try to choose your clothes and underwear more carefully, shave on time, watch your body, if it is far from ideal - sign up for a gym.
Step 4
Take her on a trip, it would be ideal to rest on the seashore in a small quiet hotel, however, if this is not possible, just go out of town and stay in a country hotel, rent a good room and spend the weekend together.
Step 5
Give her flowers, rare girls will not appreciate such a sign of attention. Find out what flowers she likes and send her while she is at work, or present in person. Be careful not to buy banal bouquets.
Step 6
Call her by her name or an affectionate, affectionate nickname that will appeal to her, it is much more pleasant than just "you".
Step 7
Arrange an unusual date - get her out for ice skating, spend an evening on the roof of a house under the stars, go camping with her - don't be banal and don't be afraid to put your wildest ideas into practice.
Step 8
Prepare a hot bath for her, decorate with rose petals, candles, take a bottle of champagne, glasses and join her, this evening will be unforgettable for you.
Step 9
Show love for children, girls love men who like babies. Treat them with sweets, communicate with them, these little creatures will help you in a relationship with your beloved.
Step 10
As often as possible, take her to a cafe, restaurant, theater, cinema, to the opera, get out of the house, pamper her, be patient and go shopping with her, buy her something. She will certainly appreciate these impulses.