What You Need To Take To The Hospital

What You Need To Take To The Hospital
What You Need To Take To The Hospital

It is important to start fees at the maternity hospital from the second trimester of pregnancy. You can prepare everything in advance and put it in a separate bag, or just know where things are so that you can take them and put them in your bag at any time.

What you need to take to the hospital
What you need to take to the hospital

All maternity hospitals have different rules, and a typical set of things simply cannot exist. Therefore, you need to ask your medical institution what things you can take with you, and which ones are better to leave at home. At 30 weeks of pregnancy (with multiple pregnancies - at 28), provided that the woman was observed in the antenatal clinic, an exchange card is issued. In addition to it, when entering the maternity hospital, you must have a passport, pension insurance certificate, medical insurance policy, birth certificate. You can buy something for yourself at the pharmacy. You will need: disposable underwear, pads, preferably postpartum, soap, wet wipes, toothpaste, toothbrush, face cream, cream to prevent nipple cracking, bra for nursing mothers, disposable breast pads, sombrero pads may come in handy (inverted nipples), glycerin-based laxative suppositories or herbal laxative, hemorrhoid remedy, chapstick, ask if you can bring items such as a bathrobe, slippers, and nightgowns. All maternity hospitals have their own rules, if you are allowed to take clothes with you, give preference to comfortable dressing gowns, shirts with a deep neckline, shoes that are easy to wash. It is good if things are made of cotton fabric. Take socks, two or three pairs are enough, two towels. Don't forget to bring napkins. Buy scanwords, you can take books, magazines, candy or cookies, clean water. You may be allowed to bring a kettle or boiler, then do not forget tea, sugar. Prepare a camera, a mobile phone in advance. You need to take a comb, a mirror, often it is not in the wards. You will need a face lotion, cotton swabs, deodorant (preferably without a strong odor), an elastic hair band. Take plastic bags for trash and used diapers, toilet paper. Disposable toilet pads are useful, but diapers are usually asked to take care of your baby. Buy a small pack to test your baby's reaction to the brand of choice. If rashes do not appear, you can continue to use. Usually a package of 24-27 pieces is enough for 5-7 days. Also buy a pair of cotton undershirts, a pair of flannel, a bonnet, sliders of 55-62 cm in size. Diapers are often given at the hospital. Don't forget to get a set of clothes for discharge. Some maternity hospitals do not allow newborns to cut their nails on their own, so buy special mittens so that the baby does not scratch himself. You can buy a set of disposable diapers if the hospital is warm enough. You may need a mixture, but that's up to each mom. Since there is still no milk on the first day after birth, colostrum is excreted instead, doctors and nurses from the pediatric department can offer supplementary feeding. If this is not part of your plans, feel free to refuse and only breastfeed. If you agree, buy the formula in advance at any pharmacy according to the age of the child and a bottle with a slow-flow teat. You can purchase pacifiers as you wish. One of the provisions of the WHO / UNICEF Declaration on the Support of Breastfeeding of Infants is that nothing should be given to newborns as food or drink. Except for vital medical conditions.
