When a person grows up, he hardly remembers his childhood: only those moments that have become the most vivid and memorable. Therefore, it is so important to be able to congratulate the child in an original way, so that the child will never forget these happy moments.

Step 1
The most common way to congratulate a child is by inviting an animator to a holiday. The first thing you should do is find out what is your kid's favorite fairytale character.
Step 2
If one fairy-tale character is not enough for you, and you want to arrange something grand, you should contact a party organization company. Tell them what exactly your child likes, what cartoons or games he prefers. You will be offered to choose one of the event scenarios, in which, if you wish, you can add something else of your own.
Step 3
An outdoor party is always more interesting than at home. Currently, there are many institutions for children, where they organize special parties. You can arrange for your child a trip to a similar children's cafe with his friends, or you can take everyone to an amusement park followed by a tea party.
Step 4
In case you still prefer to celebrate at home, you can arrange a costume evening. Tell your child's friends that you need to come to the event in some specific outfit (a simple costume that can be easily made at home from available tools). The theme evening will be remembered by your child for a long time.
Step 5
Of course, the most important thing at a holiday is a gift. If you want to surprise your little one, you have to think hard. Remember what your baby wants so badly. For example, if your child has never had pets, but at the same time, he still really wants a pet, consider getting a pet.