In the relationship between a man and a woman, quarrels and misunderstandings can occur. If you truly love your other half, do not let the situation take its course, but rather choose an original way to get forgiveness.

Step 1
Order a cake in her name with the words "Sorry, Sveta!" or childishly naive "I won't be like this anymore." It is not necessary to decorate it with a complex confectionery design, it is enough to make an ornament from cream or pieces of fruit, and place a request for forgiveness in the center. You may have a better chance if you take the time to bake the cake or pie yourself.
Step 2
Another original way to ask for forgiveness is to give your beloved a gorgeous bouquet. Whatever the girls say about such gifts, they are always pleased to receive such a sign of attention from a guy. The more serious the quarrel, the larger the bunch of flowers should be. Attach a note to the bouquet with the words of self-guilt and a sincere apology.
Step 3
Send her a video in which you try to show your feelings and love. Or ask friends or colleagues to come to your aid. Write one phrase or sentence on sheets of paper in advance. And then ask, for example, your strict boss to take a picture, holding the inscription "He realized everything and even began to work better" or your baby nephew with the phrase "He remembers all your kisses", etc. It is unlikely that the girl will remain indifferent.
Step 4
If she gets angry enough to pack up and leave, send her a photo of your pet with a note. For example, capture a curled up cat with a message like this: "Forgive him, stupid, I'll freeze without your caresses" or a picture of a hamster washing his face with a note on the cage "Preparing for your return."
Step 5
To ask the girl's forgiveness in an original way, do something that could not have been expected from you before. For example, wash the stove, or even better, the entire house, wash and iron all bedding. If that doesn't soften her heart, don't give up. Remember, perhaps, once she spoke about some useless thing in your opinion that she really liked. Find it and present it to your beloved along with your apology.