You have done wrong before your boyfriend. He is offended, does not answer calls and does not want to meet with you. You have already despaired of making up, but there are still ways to ask for forgiveness and make his heart melt.

It is necessary
- - mobile phone,
- - a small gift.
Step 1
Try to talk to him. It may not be too original, but this is the most effective way to make peace. After listening to the claims of your loved one, you can understand what exactly he is unhappy with, and this, in turn, will prompt you to think about how best to ask him for forgiveness. Even if at the end of the conversation the guy said that everything is fine and he is not angry, a few unusual romantic actions will not be superfluous and will help him to make sure that you are really repentant.
Step 2
Ask your friends for help. Even if your boyfriend does not answer calls, he probably still reads incoming SMS. Ask your friends at the appointed hour to send him an SMS with different texts on the same topic. Messages can be as follows: “Forgive her!”, “She is guilty, but ready to atone for her guilt! "," She needs to be understood and forgiven. " If your boyfriend has a heart and a sense of humor, he will definitely appreciate such an original act and forgive you.
Step 3
Write under his windows a request to forgive you. Most often, guys for girls write confessions under the windows, so it is possible that your boyfriend will appreciate such an unusual act for a girl, and his heart will melt. Call a radio station he often listens to and ask for forgiveness live. Order a romantic song for him. This will show him that you are not shy about asking for forgiveness, even in front of a large number of radio listeners.
Step 4
Give him a gift in honor of your reconciliation. Promise not to make such mistakes and not give him such unpleasant emotions in the future. Feelings and relationships need to be protected from such situations, because the less negative emotions you experience, the stronger your relationship will be. Be gentle with your loved one, try not to hurt his feelings, and he will reciprocate you.