Scoliosis only in the initial stages is a curvature of the spine and external deformities. Developing little by little, this pathology manifests itself as discomfort and frankly painful sensations that impede motor functions. One of the most important therapeutic tasks in this case is to hinder the development of the process, and in this the best assistant is sports.

Sports activities contribute to the harmonious development of the child's posture. As a prevention of curvature of the spinal column, it is difficult to imagine the best remedy. But you need to take a closer look at this - some of the sports can be dangerous if the child already has scoliosis or kyphosis.
What sports are harmful for scoliosis
If scoliotic manifestations have already occurred, asymmetrical physical activity should be avoided. Sports such as boxing, tennis, and fencing are not suitable for weakened muscles in the trunk and back, as only one half of the body is involved in the movement.
Some of the sports, sports such as wrestling, high jumping, weightlifting, involve significant stress on the spine. Badminton, tennis, golf cannot be imagined without sharp turns around its axis. Cycling with low handlebars can contribute to a rounded back and, as a result, the development of kyphosis.
Gymnastics, football, hockey for weakened muscles pose some danger in the event of impacts, falls or jolts. Due to some features of the spinal column with scoliosis, gymnastics is especially not recommended.
What sport is good for children with scoliosis
Swimming is very beneficial for children diagnosed with scoliotic manifestations. The use of the breaststroke style is considered the best, you can swim both on the chest and on the back, the gliding stage can be increased. At the same time, the legs and arms move symmetrically, the spine is stretched.
The spine in the aquatic environment is almost completely unloaded - this is one of the main advantages of swimming. It is very useful even to just lie on the water - it relaxes the muscles, while the spine is resting. Swimming strengthens the muscular corset of the trunk, conditions are created for the normal development of the vertebrae, for further growth. Swimming is good for developing coordination of movements.
Jogging is very beneficial for the child's body. Doctors recommend running on soft ground, such as sand. Walking in the forest, which is done at a sporty pace, cross-country skiing without using poles or with simultaneous push-off is also very beneficial.
Taking into account these features of practicing different sports, you can choose a convenient one for yourself. Use the chosen sport as a prophylactic agent for the treatment of curvature of the spine, for the prevention of such a disease.