How To Prepare A Child's Hand For Writing?

How To Prepare A Child's Hand For Writing?
How To Prepare A Child's Hand For Writing?

How to properly prepare your hand for writing while studying with a preschooler? Many parents, when preparing for school with their children, ask this very question. Modern teachers note with regret that first-graders quite often experience difficulties in mastering the initial writing skills.

How to prepare your child's hand for writing
How to prepare your child's hand for writing

Writing is a skill that involves making hand movements that are coordinated and difficult for a child. The writing technique always requires that the small muscles of the hand work clearly and harmoniously. Equally important in mastering the skills of writing letters and words is the development of voluntary attention and visual perception in a child.

In the process of preparing their hands for writing, many notice how different the behavior of a child is from the behavior of an adult in the process of writing letters and words. Many first-graders hold a pen incorrectly, find it difficult to navigate in a notebook, actively twist a sheet of paper in all directions when painting and drawing. It only says that they do not have enough experience and it is difficult for them to work at the table.

When preparing a child's hand for writing, it should be remembered that small muscles of the hands are developed in children 5-6 years old, coordination of movements is also imperfect, since the ossification of the phalanges of the fingers and wrists is not complete. The motor and visual analyzers, directly involved in the reproduction and perception of letters, are only at the stage of development. This explains why at the very beginning of learning to write, children often do not distinguish elements in letters. They are not able to perceive the configuration of letters completely, and therefore do not notice minor changes in the elements of its structure.

How well the preparation process goes can be judged by how well the entire complex of training is formed: how the tempo and rhythm of speech is combined with the movements of the hand and eyes, how much the ability to control the hand and fingers has been developed. If a child by the age of seven learns to control his fingers and hands, find printed and written letters in the text and write the basic elements of letters, this will be quite enough for him to further learn to write. The main thing is not the child's age, but his readiness for the learning process. Readiness can be determined by the following criteria:

• does the baby know how to read;

• is he good at writing block letters;

• is the baby's hand well prepared for writing;

• Does he have a desire to learn to write in “adult” capital letters?

Teaching writing to some children is sometimes accompanied by emotional stress. Children very often experience the first setbacks and difficulties. Many parents note that the child's hand does not seem to obey, the lines do not go where they need to. In such a situation, you can take the baby's hand in yours and try to write the letters together. The child always has the right to make mistakes. At the initial stage of learning, it is very important to evoke positive emotions in the child so that failures and mistakes do not make the child want to quit classes.

When preparing for the letter, you need to monitor the child's good posture and how correct the landing is during classes: straight shoulders are slightly lowered; the back is straight, the head should be slightly tilted. The child should not touch the table with his chest so as not to impede breathing, the elbows should not hang down.

Preparing your hand for writing, working with a 3-4-year-old baby, you should not neglect all kinds of pyramids, nesting dolls, mosaics, they will help children's fingers to get stronger, develop fine motor skills. His pens will become mobile and dexterous, and in the future, writing will be much easier.
