Every loving parent is looking forward to his little one taking the first step on their own. Is it not a miracle to observe when your defenseless creature acquires independence, begins to take an interest in the world around him, strives to be independent.

Step 1
From the age of nine months, the child begins to sit down, stand up, holding on to the support, shows the first timid attempts to step over. By the age of eleven months, the baby begins to walk, clinging to the hands of his parents, and very soon it becomes difficult to stop and keep him in place.
Step 2
Many dads and mothers adhere to the theory that it is not necessary to stimulate the baby to walk. The child himself must please others with his successes: this is a serious delusion. The task of the parents is to create conditions that do not impede movement, which could also become a powerful incentive for the timely start of walking on small legs, it should take time for the child to feel confident enough to let go of the parent's hand.
Step 3
Experts advise to be patient and follow a few simple rules. It is not recommended, for example, to be frightened and wail at every awkward fall of the baby, it is enough to help him to get up, to calm him down, if necessary. For training, you should select a large part of the room, having previously examined it for the presence of sharp corners, sockets and other dangerous surprises. Let it be better here everywhere there are poufs and toys - everything that can serve as a support and support for the baby.
Step 4
Make it a rule to do daily exercises that will strengthen the muscles of your baby's legs and back. These can be bending over a toy, raising straight legs, squatting, walking with support under the armpits, or moving on your hands with holding your legs.
Step 5
As soon as the baby begins to show the first interest in the world around him and becomes ready to move, choose the right orthopedic shoes for him “at the first step”. Clothes and diapers should also not constrict or constrict movement.
Step 6
It is worth starting the movement with passing small distances between the parent and the baby, let the child take a small step, then two, three, and so on, constantly increasing the distance between you and stretching out his hands to the child.
Step 7
Reins, or baby leashes, are a very convenient and useful invention for parents and babies, they will allow not to restrict the movement of the child in space, protect him and at the same time give rest to the overloaded parent's back. Do not pull the belts too tight, the child should develop a sense of independence, self-confidence. But a walker and constant support on the stroller are not the best way to form correct posture and stimulate independent walking.
Step 8
Wheelchairs and a variety of other toys that arouse your baby's interest can also serve as a natural stimulus for movement. Help your child explore the world around him, be it birds, animals, plants, do not stop praising him, and then in the very near future you will have joint success in this difficult endeavor.