Violation Of Writing And Speaking In Children

Violation Of Writing And Speaking In Children
Violation Of Writing And Speaking In Children

Sometimes parents lament that the child does not read well and makes a lot of spelling mistakes. It happens that it is already useless to scold him. He will honestly teach the rules, try to read, but only all this turns into torture for him.

Preschoolers are engaged
Preschoolers are engaged

If you want to find the reason, you will have to contact a speech therapist, who in most cases declares that these violations have arisen a long time ago, when the baby uttered the first words. There is a close relationship between speech, writing and reading disorders.

What to look for for parents in child development

1. Formation of speech. It should be over by the age of three. 2. The behavior of the child. There is a special type: “children are screamers”. It seems like this is nothing special. However, parents must protect them from undue stress. Usually such children have a hoarse voice in the morning, which then “diverges”. Over time, the so-called "screamer nodules" form on the vocal cords. In such cases, exercise and medication are needed to correct these disorders.

Written speech

Written speech is formed on the basis of oral speech. For a child to start writing, he must have well-formed oral speech, phonemic processes and motor skills. If there are violations in these areas, then the alarm should be sounded at senior preschool age. If a child has a general underdevelopment and it is not corrected in time, then at school he will be in difficulty and will need speech therapy assistance.

For the prevention of written speech at preschool age, it is necessary to develop oral speech, form a vocabulary, lexical and grammatical structure, develop motor skills and spatial orientation, i.e. the child should know, for example, where the corners of the sheet of paper are, right or left, top or bottom, etc.


Parents should start to deal with the prevention of violations from birth, as well as monitor his health. And here I mean not so much somatic health as psychological. Watch your words, especially with your child. A thoughtless word can be destructive. It is worth paying attention to written speech at an older preschool age. Constructive activities will help in its development: drawing, applique, modeling, etc. This requires perseverance and the formation of coordination. The preschool program is precisely aimed at preventing a child's violations in these areas.

Exercises for a preschooler:

• The adult silently articulates the vowels, and the child, guessing by the lips, shows the corresponding letter. It will be easier for him if you think of a certain letter every time. • Now, on the contrary, you guess. • Pronounce vowels in a chant. • Let's try to pronounce vowels in pairs, also in a chant: AI, IA, EI, OU. • We form syllables in a pair with consonants, pronounce, change letters in places.


It is important to understand the difference between sounds and letters, and that they do not always coincide. If your preschool child is already writing but makes spelling mistakes, don't worry. Everything has its time. When he goes to school, the rules will be explained to him. Parents should try to give their child words that are both heard and written at home, so that he cannot be mistaken. The main thing is not to overdo your parents. Doing good to the child, and yes giving him a load that does not correspond to his age, you can do harm. As a last resort, explain to him how to spell it correctly, without going into details.

Before resenting your child, help him learn his native language. And if it doesn't work out, contact a speech therapist. Remember: the main thing in upbringing is to be with him, to help him, and you will succeed.
