Violation Of Spatial Gnosis In Children

Violation Of Spatial Gnosis In Children
Violation Of Spatial Gnosis In Children

Why is the mastery of actions on spatial analysis and synthesis important for the subsequent teaching of children to count, write, and read? To build phrases from words, and text from phrases, the child needs to imagine how his own body moves.

Violation of spatial gnosis in children
Violation of spatial gnosis in children

During normal ontogenesis in children by the age of 6, the formation of optical-spatial functions is noted. This means that visual genesis, analysis and synthesis, as well as spatial representations, hand-eye coordination, etc. are normal.

Optical-spatial agnosia is characterized by an inability to perceive spatial signs of the surrounding world. This also entails difficulties in depicting objects. The child is poorly oriented in space. It is not easy for him to distinguish "far" from "close", "a lot" and "little", "up" and "down", "right" and "left". He finds it difficult to navigate in three-dimensional space.

What is spatial gnosis

Gnosis (or spatial factor) is a product of the work of the temporo-parietal-occipital region. It is located between the parts of the brain that are responsible for the processing of visual, auditory, tactile information.

Spatial gnosis is one of the main mental processes. Due to it, the basis for the formation of children's speech is created. The degree of his formation is taken into account when preparing for school.

The reasons for the violation of the spatial factor in children:

- pathology of pregnancy, childbirth;

- the impact of biological and social factors;

- organic disorders (damage to areas of the brain);

- functional (for example, as a result of somatic diseases or with a deficiency of speech contacts).

The lack of formation of spatial representations is manifested:

- when teaching mathematics in the wrong spelling of numbers, inability to learn a number series;

- when learning to write in mirror spelling of letters, difficulties in constructing a phrase and choosing words when speaking;

- when learning to read in the inability to distinguish lines;

- when learning to draw, children cannot position the drawing in paper space, do not realize the proportions;

- when performing motor exercises in difficulties in choosing the direction of movement, etc.

What is the system of corrective action

Work is needed to develop and correct both speech and non-speech functions. In the future, this will help the child to successfully master the skills of writing. And also to overcome dysgraphic mistakes.

It is also necessary to develop the ability to navigate in the scheme of your own body. It is important to develop spatial representations between objects and their attributes. Special attention is paid to the development of the logical-grammatical structures of the language.
