How To Stop Worrying If Your Child Is Not Speaking Yet

How To Stop Worrying If Your Child Is Not Speaking Yet
How To Stop Worrying If Your Child Is Not Speaking Yet

The parents of the baby are very closely monitoring his development. Some of them record everything related to the child in a special "parental diary", actively communicate with a pediatrician, psychologists and other specialists. And if suddenly vigilant mom and dad see a "failure" in the development of their child, they immediately begin to correct him. One of the most exciting developmental challenges for a toddler is speech development.

The child starts to speak
The child starts to speak

Often, parents start to sound the alarm when the baby does not utter certain words, phrases or even sentences for a long time. Pediatricians say that a child must pronounce at least 15 words a year. This includes such simple words as "mom", "dad", "give", "na", "here" and so on. However, the development of each child is so individual that your child can speak completely differently, skipping the "primitive" period.

The most important thing is to determine the line at which you need to start worrying and sound the alarm. Speech therapists reassure that the borderline age, when it is really possible to judge the delay in speech development, is not earlier than three years. Therefore, if at a year and a half your baby is not able to pronounce even the simplest sentences, rather this is a feature of his development, which is in no way connected with deviations in this area.

True, it is important here to make sure that all other indicators of development are normal. Make sure your toddler can hear and understand other people well. This can be done using special audiological devices. Usually, this procedure is carried out for infants in the hospital. If the baby's hearing is normal, it means that his general development goes according to his age. In addition, be calm if you hear that the baby speaks "his" language.

In this case, observe the vocabulary of your child. If monthly normal human phrases are added to his "incomprehensible" words, then everything is in order. But if this dynamics is absent, then there is a reason to seek advice from a specialist. Perhaps, on examination, he will dispel your vain fears or suggest effective training and exercises aimed at developing the speech apparatus.

Everyone knows that for the correct development of speech, it is necessary to deal with the baby "manual" affairs. In other words, the development of fine motor skills is very important. The fact is that on the pads of our fingers there are nerve endings responsible for correct and coherent speech. Therefore, sculpt, draw, sort out the groats, tie the shoelaces, do everything that will bring these parts of the body to work.

Also, talk to your baby as often as possible. Comment on yours and his actions, discuss plans for the day, tell fairy tales, sing songs. So it will be easier for the baby to perceive human speech and accept it as the main one. You need to speak slowly, clearly and simply. And try not to worry and not worry the child before the specialist tells you about it.
