Inattentive Child: Is It Worth Worrying

Inattentive Child: Is It Worth Worrying
Inattentive Child: Is It Worth Worrying

Parents are often angry that their child is inattentive. Came home from school, undressed and forgot to fold his clothes neatly. Didn't grab the keys. I was late for training. Didn't wash the plate. Moreover, this is not about childish laziness, but about what the child was going to do, but for some reason forgot.

inattentive child
inattentive child

The problem of inattention is mainly inherent in children of preschool and primary school age. They seem to be in the clouds, thinking about everything at once, and as a result, they constantly do not have time to do something. Parents are worried about this, turn to specialists, read thematic literature. Think about how to overcome the child's inattention. It seems to them that it is not normal for children to be so forgetful, because age-related memory problems have not yet formed in them.

However, there is nothing wrong with children's inattention, if it is not, of course, pathological in nature. Absent-mindedness is a common trait for any child under the age of ten. And the younger the child, the more absent-minded he is. Because in children of this age, attention is focused only on what is interesting and unusual for them. Children can concentrate on boring subjects for a short time. Therefore, it is quite understandable how a child could forget about keys, a plate or clothes. Something more interesting at that moment caught his attention, and the child rushed there.

The memory structures of preschool and primary school children are also not fully formed yet, so sometimes a child can surprise others by reproducing the details of an event to the smallest detail, and sometimes it is difficult to remember what was given for breakfast at school. Everything is simple - the event was interesting for him, struck his imagination, so the memory captured it so clearly. But breakfast is not at all important, especially if during breakfast one of your classmates told an interesting story.

It is pointless to scold children for this, because they are not to blame in such cases. They would like not to do that, but they cannot. This is nature, it is useless to argue with it.

There is no need to treat this either, because as they grow up, the child's ability to concentrate on uninteresting things and not be distracted will grow. Memory will also develop. It will become almost complete in adolescence. Therefore, you just have to wait a little. In the meantime, you can laugh together at these cute missteps that the child does not do on purpose.
