Quite often, young parents panic when they find chickenpox in their baby. This disease in newborns can proceed with complications, because their immunity is still immature. The main thing at this moment is to be able to control the situation.

Forms of chickenpox
Most often, chickenpox in children, especially under the age of six months, is mild. Single rashes appear on the baby's skin, and then the pimples roll in "waves". They are accompanied by high temperatures, and the thermometer readings depend on the number of elements that have appeared.
The rash is initially small, red patches. They turn into bubbles filled with a clear liquid. Further, after a couple of days, crusts appear. The appearance of rashes is also possible on the mucous membranes, but they will quickly become superficial erosions.
An infant, as a rule, has a hard time tolerating the disease, because it is worried about constant itching. The child loses appetite, does not sleep well, refuses to breastfeed, is capricious and does not sleep well.
If you are breastfeeding your baby, that is very good. Attach the baby to her at his first request. A baby who is bottle-fed does not need to be force-fed. Just drink it as often as possible with water, compote or juice for children of the appropriate age.
The severe form of chickenpox is, unfortunately, quite common. The disease begins with the appearance of a high fever. The child's appetite disappears, he becomes restless.
Then a rash appears. In some cases, there is a lot of it, and the temperature can rise to forty degrees. When the first wave passes, the baby's condition improves, but when the second appears, he will feel bad again.
Dangerous rashes that affect the mucous membranes. For example, if they appear in the larynx, then the baby may have signs of false croup or choking. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance.
Chickenpox treatment
Treatment of chickenpox in children under one year old is usually symptomatic. If he has a high temperature, then they give an antipyretic, itching is removed with drugs for allergies. Pimples and bubbles should be lubricated with a solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green.
Medicines should only be taken with the permission of a doctor. It is very important to remember that young children should never be given aspirin. He can provoke the so-called Reye's symptom. It is damage to the brain and liver.
This disease does not pose a particular danger, but the complications that may arise are very severe. Children with low immunity may develop encephalitis, pneumonia, and internal organ damage. Therefore, these babies need to be hospitalized and treated under the supervision of doctors.