Chickenpox Symptoms And Treatment

Chickenpox Symptoms And Treatment
Chickenpox Symptoms And Treatment

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Chickenpox is an infectious disease. The causative agent of smallpox is a virus, which can only be infected from contact with an already sick person. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets through coughing and sneezing. The most susceptible to the virus are children under the age of 10.

Chickenpox symptoms and treatment
Chickenpox symptoms and treatment


Step 1

The incubation period of chickenpox lasts from 10 to 20 days. During this time, the first signs of smallpox appear. These include: - an increase in body temperature; - a rash on the skin from small inconspicuous spots to watery blisters by the middle of the disease; - itching of the skin. Infection occurs especially actively two days before the appearance of bubbles and during the next week.

Step 2

As soon as you notice the first small spots, call a pediatrician who will help you diagnose the disease.

Step 3

If the diagnosis of chickenpox is confirmed, notify the school or kindergarten so that staff are aware of the disease. In children's institutions, children get sick collectively, and the administration of schools or kindergartens must know the statistics of sick children in order to make a decision on quarantine.

Step 4

Isolate the sick child from other children and family members. Even if they have already had chickenpox, some viruses can cause a second illness in the body, which, as a rule, proceeds with complications. Chickenpox is especially dangerous for pregnant women. When dealing with a sick child, wear a gauze bandage and do not kiss the child.

Step 5

If your child has severe itching, give him antihistamines. For babies, wear cotton mittens on their hands - rashes on the skin should never be combed. This can lead to further spread of the infection. And most importantly, scars can form, which can then turn into scars.

Step 6

Treat the bubbles with brilliant green. This is necessary so that they dry out faster and do not spread to free areas of the skin. You can lubricate the sores with chamomile tincture. Add one glass of the tincture to one liter of water. Such rubdowns can also replace a full bath. Indeed, during the period of illness, it is impossible to bathe the child so that the bubbles do not get wet.
