Hemorrhagic Syndrome: Symptoms And Treatment

Hemorrhagic Syndrome: Symptoms And Treatment
Hemorrhagic Syndrome: Symptoms And Treatment

Hemorrhagic syndrome in children is a disease in which the walls of microvessels are damaged. Very often the syndrome is called increased bleeding.

Hemorrhagic syndrome: symptoms and treatment
Hemorrhagic syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Distinguish between hereditary and acquired hemorrhagic syndrome. As a rule, with a hereditary form, pathological changes affect the vascular network, blood plasma, are accompanied by various abnormalities of platelets and megakaryocytes, blood coagulability is impaired, etc. The acquired form is a consequence of damage to the immune system and is associated with metabolic processes, damage to platelets, disorders of plasma molecules, disorders of the coagudological system, etc.

Depending on the pathogenesis, hemorrhagic syndrome can be divided into different groups. The first group is due to the primary lesion of the vascular network. There is a tendency to secondary damage, in which platelet and coagulation hemostasis begins. The second group is the defeat of the megakaryocytic and platelet lineage. The third group is blood clotting disorders. The fourth group is complex violations.

Most often, hemorrhagic syndrome in newborns is presented in the form of hemorrhagic diathesis. Of course, when various symptoms of a child's illness appear, it is necessary to urgently hospitalize and begin effective treatment. The child has frequent bleeding from the mucous membranes, petechiae are formed.

Before the arrival of doctors, it is necessary to provide the child with bed rest, organize proper nutrition, and insert a tampon for nosebleeds. The best nutritional option for an injured child is liquid and chilled foods that are high in calories. It is advisable to increase the amount of fluid you drink.

The stage of therapeutic treatment is the use of drugs (antispasmodics, antiplatelet agents, neurometabolic drugs), fresh frozen plasma. Depending on the stage, a treatment complex is selected that effectively supports the child's body and allows you to get rid of this disease of the body.

Hemorrhagic syndrome against the background of gastrointestinal diseases involves the administration of dicinone, heparin, the use of glasion, vicasol, intravenous administration of gluconate and calcium chloride, ascorbic acid, pachicarpin, remestin and other drugs.

To prevent possible bleeding, it is advisable to take drugs that are aimed at increasing blood clotting. This will quickly stop the blood flow and normalize the condition of the child's body.

To stop bleeding locally, thrombin, pachicarpin, a special film with lincomycin and a hemostatic sponge are used. As a rule, the funds not only stop the blood flow, but also contribute to the rapid healing of wounds, the regeneration of skin and tissue cells, and have an antiseptic effect.

In all cases, a vitamin of group K is prescribed, since it takes part in biosynthesis, normalizes blood clotting, and is an anti-hemorrhagic vitamin.

To prevent hemorrhagic syndrome, it is necessary to carry out childbirth in specialized medical institutions, in which all safety measures for human health and life are observed. It should be noted that hemorrhagic syndrome manifests itself in the first days of a baby's life. For prevention, it is advisable to clamp the umbilical cord for 30 seconds, apply it to the breast directly on the birth table immediately after childbirth, and also introduce special drugs in the first hours of life, etc.
