Dysbacteriosis In Children - Symptoms And Treatment

Dysbacteriosis In Children - Symptoms And Treatment
Dysbacteriosis In Children - Symptoms And Treatment

Dysbacteriosis in children cannot be called an independent disease, it is not subject to international classification. Treatment should involve adherence to a diet and taking bacterial drugs that help normalize the microflora.

Dysbacteriosis in children - symptoms and treatment
Dysbacteriosis in children - symptoms and treatment

Dysbacteriosis can accompany various infectious diseases, including intestinal infections. Incorrect introduction of complementary foods at the age of 1 year can lead to dysbiosis. The intake of antibiotics by the mother during lactation can affect the composition of the milk, which can provoke disturbances in the digestive process in the baby.

Symptoms of dysbiosis

Dysbiosis can manifest itself in the form of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Babies of all ages can suffer from bloating, colic, pain, diarrhea, and constipation. The listed disorders do not always indicate the development of dysbiosis. However, if the condition of the nails and skin is disturbed in the baby, the body cover has become dry, foci of irritation appear on it, the child has become lethargic, has lost his appetite, it is worth contacting a doctor.

A change in the condition of the skin, nails and hair can manifest itself due to an imbalance of harmful and beneficial microflora, impaired absorption of nutrients in the intestines. With the disease, the processes of water absorption are disrupted, which leads to drying out of the skin. Dyspeptic disorders can also be observed.

Among the characteristic signs of dysbiosis, an increase in the number of acts of defecation can be distinguished. Despite the fact that diarrhea or constipation may be absent, the baby may ask for the pot many times during the day. The disease can be accompanied by diathesis and other dermatitis.

Dysbiosis treatment

Diet is a more primary treatment than bacterial drugs that contain live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Correction of nutrition completely eliminates dysbiosis, if it was not caused by taking antibiotics and an infectious intestinal lesion.

The inclusion of probiotics in his diet will save the baby from dysbiosis. Vitamin-mineral complexes should also be used, which are capable of having a general strengthening effect, increasing resistance to infections and viruses. For children aged 2 years and older, the menu should contain foods that contain dietary fiber, they are found in fruits, cereals, cereals and vegetables. Oatmeal, millet, rice, buckwheat and barley porridge will be useful.

The kid should be fed with vegetable purees, which contain: beets, cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots. High starchy vegetables should be avoided. Diet for dysbiosis involves cooking with steam, as well as by boiling and stewing.
