Toxicosis that occurs during pregnancy can be associated with a number of factors, including allergic, immunological, toxic and others. It usually stops after childbirth. Toxicosis can be roughly divided into early and late. Early toxicosis is most often expressed by vomiting, while late toxicosis may include dropsy and a number of other unpleasant and more serious diseases.

Early toxicosis can occur in about 50% of pregnant women, starting to develop at about 4-6 weeks of gestation. Its most characteristic signs: vomiting, changes in olfactory taste perceptions, nausea, loss of appetite, drowsiness, lethargy.
Diagnosis of toxicosis in pregnant women
There are a number of factors by which the degree of toxicosis can be determined. Early stage toxicosis can be mild, moderate and excessive.
With toxicosis in pregnant women, as a rule, they notice tachycardia, hypotension, as well as a sharp decrease in weight, the appearance of acetone in the urine, and an increase in azotemia in the blood.
If we talk about a mild degree, then such toxicosis is the least dangerous and can be characterized by vomiting 3-5 times a day, intolerance to odors, and a change in taste. Sleep and appetite, however, may remain the same. In addition, a mild degree can be characterized by minor tachycardia up to 90 beats per minute, hypotension in the range of 110-100 / 60 millimeters of mercury, as well as slight weight loss in the range of 2 kilograms per week.
A moderate degree of toxicosis can be expressed by constant nausea with a frequency of up to 10 times a day. At the same time, sleep and appetite disturbances, general deterioration of the condition, weight loss within 2-5 kilograms per week, tachycardia up to 100 beats per minute, the presence of acetone in the urine, hypotension 100-90 / 60-50 millimeters of mercury pillar.
The most severe form of toxicosis (excessive) is characterized by incessant vomiting, lack of any appetite, sleep disturbances, migraines, progressive loss of body weight up to 10-15 kg per week.
In addition, with excessive toxicosis, signs of dehydration appear, such as dry skin, which has a pronounced icteric tinge; the appearance of petechiae.
Diagnosis of early toxicosis of pregnant women is made taking into account the research results, as well as the patient's objective complaints. Studies are carried out on the basis of biochemical parameters, blood and urine tests.
Even with a mild form of toxicosis, the patient must immediately notify the gynecologist who is conducting pregnancy about this in order to prevent further possible development of gestosis.
Late toxicosis, in turn, can be diagnosed by the detection of edema in the second half of pregnancy. In this case, hidden edema can be detected by systematic weighing of the pregnant woman every two weeks at an appointment at the antenatal clinic.
Treatment of toxicosis of pregnant women
If we talk about the treatment of early toxicosis, then its mild form does not require hospitalization, while with a moderate and, even more so, its excessive degree, inpatient treatment is indicated.
With a mild form of toxicosis, it is necessary to observe both physical and psychological rest; stick to fractional nutrition; with increased salivation, rinse the mouth with a decoction of chamomile, sage or mint.
Treatment of moderate toxicosis in the hospital is carried out with the help of salt therapy and the introduction of solutions such as "Acesol", "Disol", "Trisol" and others, as well as protein preparations, vitamins, hepatoprotectors and glucose. In addition, physiological procedures such as electrophoresis, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, electrosleep and others are no less effective.
With severe toxicosis, pregnant women are treated in the intensive care unit, while monitoring laboratory parameters. The patient is administered hepatoprotectors, antipsychotics, antiemetics, nutritional enemas.
If we talk about late toxicosis, then the severity of edema may serve as an indication for hospitalization. Inpatient treatment in this case may include a salt-free diet, restriction in fluid intake, the introduction of a glucose solution into the body, as well as other drugs, depending on the severity of the disease.
A severe degree of toxicosis is a threat to both the woman and the fetus, therefore, if even mild symptoms of a pregnant woman are found, you should immediately consult a doctor.