Placental Insufficiency - Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Placental Insufficiency - Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment
Placental Insufficiency - Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Fetoplacental insufficiency (FPI) is a complex of symptoms from the placenta and fetus caused by various complications of the course of pregnancy. In various degrees, FPI is detected in one third of women, therefore this problem is very urgent.

Placental insufficiency - causes, diagnosis, treatment
Placental insufficiency - causes, diagnosis, treatment

With placental insufficiency, the correct work of the placenta is disrupted, due to which fetal hypoxia develops, and a delay in its development and growth is observed. FPI can be the cause of premature birth and labor abnormalities.

Among the risk factors for fetoplacental insufficiency, there are chronic diseases of a pregnant woman (asthma, diabetes, pathology of the heart, thyroid gland), chronic and exacerbated infections, complicated pregnancy (gestosis, threat of miscarriage, Rh-conflict), pathology of the uterus (myoma, endometritis), improper placement placentas, abortions and miscarriages, stress, unhealthy diet, addictions, poor ecology, early and late age.

Allocate primary and secondary FPN. With primary placental insufficiency, abnormalities in the work of the placenta are found at 16-18 weeks. In this case, most pregnant women subsequently miscarry. The prognosis for secondary FPI is more favorable.

With severe placental insufficiency, a pregnant woman may notice more active fetal movements, and in the future, on the contrary, their decrease. With a delay in fetal development, a discrepancy in the size of the abdomen (the height of the fundus of the uterus) is found. WDM in centimeters should roughly correspond to the duration of pregnancy by week.

When examining the fetus by ultrasound, attention is paid to the nature of motor activity, the degree of maturity of the placenta. Symptoms of violations may be a change in the thickness of the placenta by more than 5 mm to normal values. With FPN, premature aging of the placenta occurs. In addition, deposits of calcium salts, cracks, cysts can be seen here, the amount of water can change, the size of the fetus does not correspond to the term. Dopplerometry assesses the blood flow velocity in the vessels of the umbilical cord, uterus, fetus; in FPN, blood flow is usually impaired.

To begin the treatment of placental insufficiency, it is necessary to find the cause of the dysfunction of the placenta and eliminate it, to prevent preeclampsia and termination of pregnancy, and to treat infectious diseases. It is important to ensure proper rest and nutrition.

There are no remedies that completely eliminate FPI. All the methods used for the treatment of placental insufficiency are aimed at improving uterine blood flow, blood clotting, optimizing metabolic processes, and improving gas exchange.

Among the drugs used to treat placental insufficiency, the most common are courantil, actovegin. To improve blood flow, droppers are used with a glucose-novocaine mixture, euphyllin, to relax the uterus - with magnesia, ginipral. Corrects blood clotting with heparin, clexane. In each case, treatment should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.
