In order to notice in time deviations in the development of their child, parents can independently complete simple tasks with the baby, the result of which will show the level of his development. There is no need to be upset if the child shows a low result in something, you just need to choose games and exercises to develop this psychological quality.

- - diagnostic materials for the study of memory, attention, thinking, imagination, will, emotions of a preschooler with clear instructions for implementation;
- - key for assessing performance (required).
Step 1
In order for a psychological test to give an objective result, it must be carried out in the usual and natural conditions for the child. Needless to say, now you will begin to test his knowledge and skills, the child may become alert, frightened, withdrawn. It is best to give assignments in his playroom, seating the child at his table and offering to draw, play, or consider some interesting pictures together.
Step 2
Diagnosis is best done in the form of a game or exercise. If the test is designed in such a way that the child needs to answer questions, play the situation anyway. Offer to play school or kindergarten. The child can answer questions for himself and for other "students": dolls, bears, hares, who study with him at this school.
Step 3
The child must have a good, trusting relationship with the researcher. To a stranger who simply does his work and asks questions, the child may not answer, and the lack of answers will be perceived as ignorance. A stranger should not immediately start diagnosing, but first get to know the child, talk about something pleasant, just play.
Step 4
An ordinary conversation can be the basis for a diagnostic conversation. It is necessary that the answers be a continuation of the unfinished sentence: "When I grow up, I will be …", "I am bored when …", "The most interesting thing is …", "I like …" and others.
Step 5
The younger the child, the less opportunities the adult has to give the child any assignments. Basically, the diagnosis will consist in monitoring the baby and recording the necessary data in tables or protocols. For example, observing a pugnacious child in kindergarten for a week, the researcher records the acts of aggression during each day with the indication of the time. Observation can show on which days of the week or at what time of day the child is most irritated and cannot contain his feelings.
Step 6
Psychological diagnostics of a preschooler is often associated with an analysis of the products of his activity: drawings, crafts, stories. The researcher recognizes the content of children's complexes and unresolved problems by a certain symbolism of a drawing or craft. For example, in freehand drawing, the child draws a large mountain and a road to the top. He draws himself in the middle of this path or on the top of the mountain. Such a drawing can be viewed both as a desire to go on a hike, and as a child's desire for self-improvement. The transcript will appear if we talk with the child about the content of this picture.