The training is an excellent opportunity to introduce children to each other, create a trusting atmosphere in the team and identify which of the guys is capable of what. All trainings have some general rules for conducting.

Step 1
Determine the age of the children participating in the training, and set the goals that your training will pursue. If you conduct training for children 4-5 years old, then your goal will be to develop communication skills, create a friendly environment in the children's team. If the training is conducted for schoolchildren, then the goal may be not only acquaintance and creating a friendly environment, but also defining the roles that the child prefers to play in a team. for success.
Step 2
Form training groups. A group can consist of 6-8 people - no more. If there are too many participants, it will create problems in the organization, everyone will not be given due attention.
Step 3
Divide your training into several parts. In the introductory part, you should tell the children about the rules for conducting the training. As a rule, they are the same in all trainings: 1. Everyone speaks only if he wants to.
2. You cannot interrupt each other.
3. You can not laugh at the answers of another.
4. Everyone can choose a name by which the other participants will call him.
5. Everything that will happen during the training happens here and now, there is no need to discuss it later or somehow use the information received. Of course, if you are conducting training for toddlers, the wording will need to be changed so that the children understand what you are. want from them. In the main part, do some pre-planned exercises. Their number depends, again, on the age of the children (babies can quickly get tired and lose interest) and on the time frame with which you are limited.
Step 4
Reflect after each exercise. That is, talk to the children about what you were doing now. Whether they liked it or not, what they liked or disliked, how, in their opinion, it could be done better.