Diathesis In Children - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Diathesis In Children - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
Diathesis In Children - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Currently, every second child suffers from diathesis. This condition causes a lot of concern for the parents of the baby, since diathesis does not affect the well-being of the child in the best way.

Diathesis in children - causes, symptoms and treatment
Diathesis in children - causes, symptoms and treatment

Diathesis is not a disease, but only means a child's predisposition to certain diseases.

  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis - a tendency to allergic and infectious diseases, pathology of the lymphatic system, disorders of the thymus (thymus gland).
  • Neuro-arthric diathesis - predisposition to hypertension, joint inflammation, diabetes, atherosclerosis and obesity.
  • Exudative-catarrhal or allergic diathesis - a tendency to allergic and inflammatory diseases.

The most common species is the latter. Its main manifestation is dermatitis. It occurs so often that doctors themselves call it "diathesis". About him and will be discussed further.

Diathesis symptoms

Symptoms vary. Most often this is redness of some areas of the skin, bright pink spots, peeling and dryness of the skin, and sometimes even sores. Reddish, rough spots usually appear near the eyes, on the cheeks, on the folds of the arms and legs, and sometimes all over the body. Spots can get wet, grow, become inflamed, thicken, and crack. These phenomena are accompanied by itching.


Dermatitis is caused by contact with specific allergens to which the child's body reacts. This tendency in babies is explained by the imperfection and immaturity of the systems and internal organs. The starting point for allergic dermatitis can be the mother's nutrition during pregnancy, living conditions, ecology, care, etc.

In some cases, diathesis can be caused by overeating. The fact is that food leftovers that did not have time to digest due to a lack of enzymes begin to rot in the intestines, and decay products poison the body.

Diathesis treatment

The most important thing for the treatment of diathesis is to identify the source of the allergy and avoid subsequent contact with the allergen. It is worth starting identification by excluding the most likely sources of allergies from the menu - chocolate, citrus fruits, exotic fruits, strawberries, nuts, apricots, melons, sweets, peaches, eggs, sour cream, broths, milk and semolina.

Next, you need to monitor the symptoms of diathesis. In case of an exacerbation, you should remember what the nursing mother or the baby himself used the day before. This will help you identify the allergen.

Use only special hypoallergenic shampoos, soaps and detergents. Chlorine is also a strong allergen, so use boiled or filtered water for bathing and rinsing baby clothes.

If diathesis occurs, contact your pediatrician. He will prescribe antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs to the baby, and in severe cases, glucocorticosteroids.
