Chickenpox is an infectious disease that provokes a type of herpes virus. How to recognize chickenpox and how to treat it?

Step 1
Chickenpox usually begins acutely, with an increase in body temperature to 38 - 39 degrees, which is accompanied by the appearance of a rash in the form of bubbles, bordered by a red or pinkish spot. This rash can be found all over the place, affecting the limbs, back, abdomen, face, as well as the scalp and mucous membranes. Chickenpox, or, as they say, chickenpox, can take place in three forms: mild, moderate, or severe. The younger the patient, the more easily the disease is tolerated. In babies under three years old, the rash can be represented by just a few blisters and not even be accompanied by an increase in temperature. Because of this, chickenpox is easy to miss, writing off the appearance of a heat rash or mistaking it for an allergic reaction.
Chickenpox of moderate severity is more difficult, with an increase in body temperature, with profuse itchy rashes, headaches.
Chickenpox in severe form is more common in adults. It is characterized by a longer period of rashes, which are very abundant, accompanied by a very high temperature, fever. A severe form of chickenpox can have serious complications in the form of damage to internal organs, meningitis, and so on.
Chickenpox is very dangerous for pregnant women, as it can affect the development of the child. The doctor must tell the observed pregnancy about the degree of risk.
Step 2
In children, as a rule, chickenpox goes away in a mild form and does not have any complications. If the healing process is delayed or is accompanied by headaches, it is likely that inpatient treatment in the infectious diseases department of the hospital will be required.
The virus that causes chickenpox, the Varicella Zoster virus, is transmitted from a sick person by airborne droplets or by contact. The incubation period can be from one to three weeks, and it spreads from a sick child as early as three days before the first symptoms of the disease appear, and during this period the child is the most infectious.
Chickenpox in a simple form does not require special treatment. It is only necessary to cauterize the rash from time to time with a solution of brilliant green ("brilliant green") or any other alcohol-containing preparation, for example, tincture of calendula. This is done in order to prevent infection from entering the skin at the site of the bursting bubble and the formation of an ugly scar. If the child is worried about severe itching, it is necessary, in advance
after consulting a pediatrician, give any antihistamine. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, you should inform the pediatrician and give the prescribed antipyretic.
Step 3
As a rule, chickenpox goes away without special treatment after 7 to 10 days from the moment the first blister appears. No traces remain in the place of non-infected vesicles. If suppuration occurs in the place of the bursting bubbles, a scar may remain.
To bathe or not bathe a child with chickenpox? To this day, pediatricians are debating this. Some recommend not bathing the child, as this can provoke the appearance of a new rash, while others, on the contrary, advise bathing the child in order to prevent the development of secondary infection of the skin.
Chickenpox vaccine. Children from one year of age and adults who have not had chickenpox can, if desired, be vaccinated against the Varicella Zoster virus. The duration of the vaccine is about 10 years, after which the vaccination must be repeated. It should be noted that vaccination does not guarantee one hundred percent protection against chickenpox disease.