Agree, a child is the most precious thing his parents have. Are you expecting a baby? Or have you already started raising a newborn? You've probably heard about such a disease as dysbiosis. Or have you encountered her? You will be surprised, but this disease does not exist.

To begin with, this disease is a kind of myth. The fact is that this disease cannot be established.
A newly born baby has a "clean and transparent" intestine, which is then inhabited by about three thousand different microorganisms, dividing into several groups:
Participate in digestive processes, the exchange of trace elements;
Most of them;
These microorganisms are the culprits of diseases.
There is no single number of microorganisms: the ratio is different for all, it is individual. Uniting "in a heap", they are formed into one single organ - the microbiome, an organ of the immune and digestive systems, which is extremely important for humans.
Some parents, interested in what kind of microorganisms live in the intestines of the child, pin their hopes on finding the answer in the results of the analysis of feces. But no such analysis can answer this question and give a complete picture of the inhabitants on the intestinal walls. The maximum that can be learned is the microflora in the intestinal lumen.
From this we can conclude: having made an analysis of feces for dysbiosis, you will not receive the desired information. Hence, there is no diagnosis. And if it is not there, the need for its search and treatment is lost.
How to be?
If you find signs of an intestinal infection (fever, diarrhea, vomiting) in the baby, first of all look for the pathogen, do tests to identify and study it. Subsequently, you will be prescribed the necessary medications.