Infant milk formulas are dry and liquid, fresh and fermented milk. As useful substances, they usually contain carbohydrates, vegetable fats, whey proteins, minerals and vitamins. Choosing the right formula for a baby is quite difficult. It is necessary to take into account not only the material capabilities of the family, but also the recommendations of the pediatrician.

Step 1
When choosing a formula for babies, you should pay attention to the shelf life of the product, as well as to what age it is intended for. In no case should a two-month-old baby be given a mixture intended for children who are already six months old. This can do great harm to the baby.
Step 2
When choosing a formula for a baby, you must also study the product label. It is on it that all the necessary information about baby food and its properties is contained.
Step 3
For infants with weak immunity, there are special milk formulas that contain beneficial prebiotic bacteria. By the way, such a mixture can be given to absolutely healthy babies to strengthen their immune system.
Step 4
For infants prone to manifestations of various allergic reactions, it is recommended to select a prophylactic hypoallergenic milk formula. This product is made on the basis of partially split protein, which can significantly reduce the allergenicity of the mixture, and therefore avoid the development of allergies in the baby.
Step 5
For babies prone to anemia, a mixture containing a large amount of iron is perfect. The amount of this mineral in the mixture should be indicated on the label. For example, a formula ideal for children with anemia does not contain 5g of iron per liter, but 7 or 8, and sometimes 12g.
Step 6
Fermented milk mixtures contribute to the normalization of the composition of the intestinal microflora of infants. They, in addition, improve digestion, strengthen the immunity of the baby and reduce the likelihood of developing various intestinal infections.
Step 7
If for some reason the infant formula did not fit, it is recommended to switch to another only on the advice of a pediatrician. Moreover, this is not done immediately, but gradually, as a rule, within a week.