How To Choose An Antireflux Infant Formula

How To Choose An Antireflux Infant Formula
How To Choose An Antireflux Infant Formula

Small babies often regurgitate excess formula after feeding. This is normal, but pediatricians recommend that mothers switch to antireflux infant formulas if they regurgitate profusely. What are these mixtures, what are they made of and what are they intended for?

How to choose an antireflux infant formula
How to choose an antireflux infant formula

What is Anti-Reflux Infant Formula

Antireflux is a special dairy product, the properties of which can significantly reduce the number of regurgitation. The antireflux mixture is thicker than standard foods and can also thicken in the stomach. The thickener in it is locust bean gum, which is a dietary fiber of natural origin that swells in an acidic stomach environment and thickens the contents of the stomach.

Feeding an antireflux formula is often used as an adjunct treatment for persistent regurgitation.

The protein in the antireflux mixture is represented by unchanged whey proteins and casein, which have an optimal ratio, therefore such a product cannot be called hypoallergenic. Compared to standard milk formulas, antireflux diets have a slightly lower lactose content, and some of these products with gum even contain starch. The antireflux mixture is not recommended for continuous or long-term (more than two to three months) use, as the gum slows down the absorption of nutrients. Pediatricians advise replacing only one-half of the total baby food with it.

Choosing an antireflux mixture

Such antireflux mixtures as "Nutrilak", "Frisovoy" and "Babushkino Lukoshko" contain prebiotics that gently stimulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Hipp products do not contain nucleotides, but they contain live lactobacilli that prevent the development of dysbiosis in babies. Antireflux mixtures "Enfamil AR", "NAN-antireflux", "Lemolak" and "Selia AR" contain docosahexaenoic and arachidonic fatty acids, which are necessary for vision and the nervous system.

It is undesirable to mix the antireflux mixture with standard milk nutrition, albeit from the same manufacturer, in one bottle.

Babies prone to allergies and digestive problems should buy the antireflux mixtures "Nutrilon-comfort" and "NAN-antireflux". Baby food "Lemolak" has the largest number of components per 1 liter of the mixture, as well as a little citric acid in its composition, which quickly and well curdles protein in the stomach and prevents regurgitation after feeding. If a child needs live bifidobacteria, he can get them from the antireflux mixtures "Selia AR" and "Enfamil".
