What Is The Best Infant Formula For A Baby After A Year

What Is The Best Infant Formula For A Baby After A Year
What Is The Best Infant Formula For A Baby After A Year

The opinion of parents that it is easier to use milk instead of purchased mixtures is erroneous, since the composition of such products contains useful components and vitamins that are very useful for the body growing at a fast pace.

What is the best formula to feed your baby after a year?
What is the best formula to feed your baby after a year?

The child should be transferred to milk formulas only after the permission of the pediatrician, since milk impurities may contain those components that can cause an allergic reaction in the child.

In addition, all mixtures have a certain composition with a predominant amount of vitamins, only a pediatrician will be able to determine which substances the child's body lacks and on this basis will help to choose the most optimal option.

Types of infant formula

All infant formula for artificial feeding, available in the sale of specialized stores, meet all the requirements of GOST, are carefully checked by the Institute of Nutrition and approved. Moreover, this applies not only to new milk mixtures, but also to old ones.

The basis of baby food is cow's or goat's milk, which is processed in a special way. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, manufacturers have managed to bring the formula and composition of milk formulas closer to breast milk.

Milk formulas for children over one year old

Currently, formulas intended for artificial feeding of children over one year old are produced by the overwhelming majority of companies. The packages of such products must have certain numbers, for example, three or four.

Many young mothers have a question about why they should give formula milk, if a child older than one year old can already be given regular milk. Not so simple. The fact is that milk formulas have a richer composition than milk. It could even be said that formula-feeding formulas are nutritionally more valuable than cow's milk.

The child will not need to be fed with additionally purchased vitamin complexes from the pharmacy, since all the valuable components that may be needed for a growing body will be present in the mixtures.

Varieties of mixtures for children from one year old

The most popular and very useful product is baby milk from Nestlé. It contains vegetable oil, natural flavor (vanillin), vitamins, sucrose, lactose, milk fats and skimmed cow's milk.

The classic version of the mixture most suitable for children over one year old is "Baby 3+" from the Nutricia company. This product contains powdered sugar, maltodextrin, cow's milk and rice flour.

For a child over one year old, you can buy baby milk called "Nutrilak". The composition of this formula is very rich. It includes vitamins, several vegetable oils, mineral components, glucose syrup, skimmed cow's milk, lecithin, lactose and pantothenic acid.
