Why Palm Oil Is Dangerous In Infant Formula

Why Palm Oil Is Dangerous In Infant Formula
Why Palm Oil Is Dangerous In Infant Formula

Choosing an infant formula for our baby, we want to believe that we are buying the best and most useful. However, some foods may contain palm oil, an ingredient that will do more harm than good.

Why palm oil is dangerous in infant formula
Why palm oil is dangerous in infant formula

Every mother wants to choose the best food for her baby. If breastfeeding is impossible for some reason, mothers choose the highest quality infant formula. As a rule, the choice is made empirically, since, regardless of the price, colic, allergies and other diseases are possible after using this or that mixture. But even if the mixture did not cause any digestive problems, its composition should still be carefully studied before purchasing. After all, it can contain an absolutely unnecessary and sometimes even dangerous ingredient - palm oil.

As you know, fats in baby food are essential. To achieve the ideal combination of fats, carbohydrates, proteins and micronutrients, formula makers need extensive research. The fact is that the natural fat of cow's milk has a pronounced allergenicity, so it is often replaced with vegetable fats. But at the same time, instead of healthy fats, manufacturers can add the cheapest and useless palm oil.

On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with this product. Natural palm oil contains many vitamins and useful microelements. In addition, it is in it that palmitic acid is present, of which a quarter of breast milk fats are composed. However, this acid in palm oil is hardly absorbed by the baby's body. After all, this ingredient in infant formula is not contained in pure, but hydrogenated form, which completely deprives it of its useful properties. What's more, palm oil can inhibit bone development by leaching calcium out of it.

Plus, refined palm oil is a carcinogen and is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, when choosing an infant formula for a child, you should still give preference to those products that contain other types of vegetable fats.
