Why Are Female Infidelities Dangerous?

Why Are Female Infidelities Dangerous?
Why Are Female Infidelities Dangerous?

The terrible word "betrayal" always evokes negative emotions. Cheating on the part of both men and women is equally destructive to the union of partners and hurts both. However, male and female infidelity is unequal and leads to different consequences.

Why are female infidelities dangerous?
Why are female infidelities dangerous?

When a man is unfaithful, the problem of family preservation most often arises. When a woman cheats, the main problem is the appearance of remorse and all the ensuing consequences. No amount of force will help to cope with this. A woman who has cheated on her husband suddenly begins to suffer from insomnia, she becomes withdrawn, often falls into depression. Subconsciously, a woman believes that she has blackened herself by crossing some unlawful line. Often it is her sincere conviction that she would be better off confessing everything to her husband. However, most psychologists are unanimous in favor of not telling everything to a spouse, and in the absence of irrefutable evidence, it is not necessary to confess. This is explained by the fact that recognition will bring the deceived partner and the woman herself only additional torment. It is worth noting that men react to such news in different ways. So a husband suffering from jealousy can kill his lover, wife and himself on the spot. In a mentally healthy person, the confession of a spouse will cause an unpredictable reaction. The worst thing here is that the man himself does not assume how he will react to such news. If any man in a private conversation says that he will do this and that in such a situation, this does not mean at all that everything will happen that way. The vast majority of people, unfortunately, cannot control their unconscious reactions. Assuming that they know how to control themselves and completely control their actions, but in reality everything happens the other way around. Even if the spouse believes that there should be no secrets between him and his wife, and sincere confessions strengthen the family, a woman, according to psychologists, is better off choosing another confessor for her confession. After all, the most calm and balanced man can throw out all the temperament, suppressed for years, on the confessed wife. It may even go as far as assault. Especially sad is the situation in which female infidelity is caused by the desire to awaken jealousy in her husband and thus return love. Betrayal of a wife in the eyes of a man is a greater crime than his own betrayal. Therefore, it is worth noting that cheating is an irrational way to solve the problems of family life. It is better to put things in order in your own house and understand whether it is worth having a person next to you who wants to change.
