Is Chickenpox Dangerous For An Infant?

Is Chickenpox Dangerous For An Infant?
Is Chickenpox Dangerous For An Infant?

Most often, those who attend kindergartens and schools suffer from chickenpox, but an infant can also get sick. So parents of babies should always be on the alert and know what to fear.

Chickenpox in the breast
Chickenpox in the breast

The cause of the development of chickenpox is the Varicella-Zoster virus from the herpes family. It is highly volatile and spreads rapidly through airborne droplets. For infection, it is not necessary to contact the patient, it is enough to be in the same room with him, because it is not for nothing that the infection is called chickenpox.

Possible ways of infection and the likelihood of developing the disease

It is generally accepted that babies under 3 months old who are breastfed are protected by maternal immunity from many diseases, including chickenpox. Having had it once, the body produces antibodies that protect the person for the rest of his life. Therefore, if the mother was sick with chickenpox, then the child will not get sick with it before this age.

You can infect a baby even before childbirth if a pregnant woman gets chickenpox 2-3 days before the baby is born. This is due to the fact that the production of antibodies takes time, 5-7 days, and the body does not have time to cope with the virus. The baby will be born with chickenpox, which in this case can be severe.

Also, there is no protection in babies whose mothers did not have chickenpox and were not vaccinated against this infection. There is a high probability of becoming infected in children on artificial feeding. Their illness can also be very difficult.

All babies older than 3 months are more likely to get chickenpox on contact with a sick person. During this period, those who are breastfed continue to receive the mother's antibodies, so the disease is easy. The rest of the babies are more difficult to carry the virus.

Why is chickenpox dangerous?

Chickenpox is a disease characterized by blistering eruptions. The main feature is that acne does not appear all at once, but in several stages. The rash period lasts from 3 to 8 days. Each time a rash appears, the condition worsens, and:

- high temperature, which is not knocked down by medications;

- headaches;

- body aches;

- itching.

Rashes are located throughout the baby's body, on the external and internal organs, mucous membranes. This is one of the danger factors, the child can begin to choke. He refuses to eat because of pain and becomes very moody.

Severe itching and pain are constant companions of chickenpox. Combing the blisters, the child provokes new rashes. Acne fluid is highly contagious and can easily infect another person. If other infections get into an open wound, the child's condition worsens, purulent abscesses and bloody acne may appear, and scars will remain after healing.

Infection with chickenpox in babies under one year old can cause the development of such serious diseases as encephalitis, pneumonia, otitis media. After chickenpox, disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, heart, nervous system, and musculoskeletal system are sometimes observed. Re-infection leads to the appearance of shingles, the infection is very painful.

It is known that complications are observed in children with weakened immunity or with congenital disorders in this area. If the baby was born strong and healthy, then when the first symptoms of chickenpox appear, you should not panic. It is necessary to call a doctor and in the future precisely follow his recommendations. In most cases, the disease is uneventful and mild.
