How To Sew A Bumper Into A Crib

How To Sew A Bumper Into A Crib
How To Sew A Bumper Into A Crib

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All young parents know how many things need to be purchased in order for the baby to feel comfortable and cozy. If some things cannot be made by hand, then some, on the contrary, will delight your eye much more if you make them yourself, and do not buy them in a store - for example, a soft bumper for a baby cot. It is easy to sew, it will look exactly the way you want it, and you will not be limited by the choices presented in the store.

How to sew a bumper in a crib
How to sew a bumper in a crib


Step 1

Purchase five meters of fabric 110-150 cm wide in a suitable color and 2 meters of foam rubber 150 cm wide and 1 cm thick. Choose a fabric for a bumper made from natural materials - chintz, calico, any cotton, cambric and similar materials will do. Wash the fabric so that it does not shrink afterwards.

Step 2

Draw a bumper pattern on the fabric, having previously measured the bed, then sew the parts without sewing one edge to insert the foam rubber. In the process of sewing parts, sew in a previously prepared decorative frill from a ribbon into them.

Step 3

Divide the foam into pieces of the desired size, which should be half a centimeter smaller than your fabric parts. Insert the foam parts into the fabric cover, and then sew the bottom of the bumper on a typewriter or on your hands.

Step 4

Sew the straps to the outside of the bumper, marking where you want to be tied to the crib. Usually it is enough to make ties at the corners of the bumper and in the middle of its transverse sides.

Step 5

Instead of foam rubber, you can use a synthetic winterizer for filling the bumper - it is thinner and softer than foam rubber and for many it is more convenient to process. You can also find in some sewing stores ready-made colored coarse calico with quilted padding polyester stitched to its seamy side - in this case, you just need to take two layers of such coarse calico and make crib bumpers from it without using additional filler.
