A love triangle cannot be equated with treason. The problem is that a person sincerely loves two partners at once and cannot choose one of them. Such a relationship can last for years, therefore, in order not to become a victim of a love triangle and not to break your life, you should get out of it as soon as possible.

Step 1
Talk to your partner first and explain the situation. If you are a victim, explain to your partner that you no longer intend to put up with your situation and prefer to leave. If you yourself cannot choose between two close people, talk to each of them and try to decide with whom you want to stay.
Step 2
If you can't make up your mind to break up, try to look at the situation from the outside. You must clearly understand what position you are in and what this may lead to. If you cannot choose between two partners, then you are torturing both them and yourself. If you happen to be one of the victims, think, is there anything good in such a humiliating situation?
Step 3
Do not threaten, cry or throw up scandals trying to get your way. At the same time, ignore your partner's provocations and attempts to force you to abandon your decision. You shouldn't believe sweet promises either. Married men rarely leave the family, like married women, and if a partner found love on the side once, there is no guarantee that this will not happen again. If you are confident that you are doing the right thing, do not delay breaking the love triangle.
Step 4
Leave confidently but wisely. For example, if you plan to leave your wife or husband, discuss the division of property in advance. If you have children, it is very important to decide how their fate will turn out after the divorce. Do not rush into the pool headlong without first weighing the pros and cons.
Step 5
Learn to deal with your pain. As a rule, all participants in a love triangle are in an unenviable position. It doesn't matter if you leave or leave you, the unpleasant aftertaste will remain all the same. Immediately give up such destructive methods of numbing pain as alcohol, drugs, etc. Just try to start a new life, and if it is too difficult, seek help from a psychoanalyst.