It happens that relationships come to a standstill. There is no past passion, romance is gone, quarrels have become more frequent. It would seem that the most correct decision is to part once and for all, leaving all grievances in the past. But what if the husband does not want to hear about parting and believes that everything will work out by itself?

Step 1
Try to understand what keeps your husband close to you. Probably, he does not want to part with an established life, or he is worried about a possible division of property. Such issues can be settled through negotiations without harsh ultimatums. The main thing is to let your husband understand that you are not going to rob him, but he will be able to cook dinner himself.
Step 2
If a man is attached to you, and not to your material values, ardent convictions that the relationship has become unbearable for you will not take effect. For you, daily fights are a serious stress, and in the family of his parents they were the norm. And he sincerely does not understand why to get divorced. After all, everyone lives like this - they scandal and reconcile.
Step 3
Explain to the man the scale of the problem. Give up the epithets "terrible", "nightmare", do not shift the blame for the discord exclusively on him. Operate with facts. Say that you are experiencing insomnia. That you can't concentrate on work and can't cook dinner for your child. He needs to understand that a difficult relationship has really worn you out, that you are not exaggerating.
Step 4
As difficult as it is, try to remain calm. Let the man know that you are not going to fight with him, but it is better to leave now, while there are still chances to remain friends. Give examples of people you know who, after a divorce, have maintained excellent relationships and found new families.
Step 5
Conversations didn't work? In this case, the last and strongest argument remains - pack your things and leave. You can move to a friend or stay with your mother. But remember, there will be no turning back. By leaving, you put a decisive end to the relationship, ignoring the opinion of your husband. He'll just have to come to terms with your decision.
Step 6
As desirable as a divorce may be, it is not easy to get through it - for both you and your husband. Do not throw reproaches in the back of someone who was once dear to you. Wish him good luck in the difficult task of finding family happiness.