Slime is a toy that is unlikely to leave a child indifferent. After all, playing with a pliable lump is not only interesting, but also very useful for children's motor skills. This means that for its development. It is not difficult to buy a slime now: there are similar toys in almost all children's stores. Or you can make it yourself: this lesson will take a maximum of two hours.

It is necessary
- -sodium borate;
- - polyvinyl alcohol.
Step 1
Polyvinyl alcohol is a dry powder that will need to be heated before use. To do this, it is recommended to use a container that is not afraid of fire - an enamel saucepan or ladle. When preparing polyvinyl alcohol, a synthetic water-soluble polymer, carefully read the instructions for use. Pour polymer alcohol powder into the prepared container and put on low heat. Heat the substance over low heat for 40-45 minutes. Gradually, the powder will turn into a liquid, which must be constantly stirred so that the precipitate from the powder does not burn. After keeping the polymer on fire for the required time, remove the container with it from the heat and set it to cool.
Step 2
In the meantime, prepare the next ingredient for work - sodium borate, better known as borax. Dilute this product (about 1-2 tablespoons) in a glass of warm water. Wait for the sodium borate crystals to completely dissolve. This will take about 20 minutes on average. If dissolving sodium borate produces a precipitate, just strain.
Step 3
When both components are ready, start creating a slime. To do this, take 3 parts of polyvinyl alcohol and one part of sodium borate, combine them and wait for the two liquids to turn into mucus. To make the slime smell pleasant, you can drip your favorite aromatic oil into the resulting liquid. If you wish, you can decorate the Velcro with sparkles.

Step 4
Another recipe for making slime contains ingredients such as PVA glue, sodium borate (or sodium tetraborate), any dye, ornaments (rhinestones, sparkles, etc.). Pour 100-200 ml of PVA glue into the container, add 1-2 bottles of sodium tetraborate to the glue, a little dye and glitter. Mix everything well until a homogeneous jelly-like mass is obtained. Place the mixture on a paper towel to absorb excess liquid. When making slime according to this recipe, do not spare sodium tetraborate: this tool gives the toy plasticity.
Step 5
When using borax powder for crafts, first dilute it with water: 1 tablespoon of dry borax per 1 glass of water at room temperature.
Step 6
You can make a slime at home without using the above ingredients. To do this, use the following recipe. Get hand cream, dish soap, baking soda, food coloring. Also prepare a mixing bowl and a spoon or stick. Pour a few tablespoons of dish soap into a plastic container. Add a pinch of baking soda and mix thoroughly. Add a couple of tablespoons of hand cream, a little of any food coloring to the resulting mass. Mix everything well again.
Step 7
Pour the resulting solution into a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. After this time, take out the bag and remove the slime from it. Of course, this product will not be the slime that you would buy in a store, but it will still be no worse. In terms of plasticity and sticky properties, it will be no worse than an industrial one.
Step 8
The craftsmen also invented several more recipes for making slime toys at home. For example, from office glue and salt. Silicate glue is best suited for this purpose. As for salt, it is recommended to use Epsom salts for slime, thanks to which the Velcro becomes more plastic than when using ordinary food. Dissolve a few tablespoons of salt in a glass of warm water. Stir it thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Pour the silicate glue into a separate container. A small bottle is enough. Then slowly pour the saline solution into the glue and mix all the ingredients well. Gradually, the mixture will turn into a plastic mass, similar to jelly.
Step 9
Another equally interesting recipe also consists of available ingredients. To prepare slime using this method, you need to stock up on starch and PVA glue. Dissolve the starch with water. Then pour 1/3 of a glass of starch into a container or plastic bag and add a quarter of a glass of glue to it. Mix everything well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Your slime is ready. If you wish, you can make your slime colored. To do this, immediately add a few drops of dye to the mixture. Its role can be played by food coloring, a few drops of watercolors or gouache, as well as carrot or beet juice.
Step 10
However, it is not necessary to use glue to make slime at home, since there are recipes in which Velcro can be made from starch and water. But in this case, the result may be unexpected. In order for the slime to be more plastic, there must be much more starch than water. Making slime in this way is the fastest and cheapest option.
Step 11
A homemade slime is much safer than a store-bought toy. Unfortunately, home slimes are short-lived. They quickly deteriorate. In some cases, the toy can be reanimated by adding a few drops of water to it (this option is suitable for starch slimes)