You can make a slime from PVA glue at home, in order not only to entertain your child, but also to explain to him the basics of chemistry, to show how substances interact with each other. Slime is a toy that resembles jelly in structure. Despite its plastic consistency, it does not stick like plasticine, but rather flows from one form to another, sticks to surfaces and can slide off them.

There are many ways to make your own slime at home, both with and without PVA glue. Many videos can be viewed on this topic on the Internet, but in practice, not all methods of obtaining a toy are effective.
If you want to get the desired result the first time, then it is better to use a proven recipe based on PVA glue and sodium tetraborate.
First of all, we remind you that when mixing any ingredients, you should remember about safety rules. Wear an apron on yourself and the child when making a slime, protect your face and hands, make sure that the child does not use the component toys inside.
For an experiment that allows you to make a slime from tetraborate and PVA glue, prepare a clean glass bowl or plate, as well as a wooden stick. Do not use metal objects to avoid an unplanned chemical reaction. Choose the utensils that you will not use for cooking in the future, poisoning is possible due to poorly washed containers.
Buy sodium tetraborate in glycerin in advance at the pharmacy. It costs from 20 to 50 rubles, so the purchase will not hit your budget hard.
It should be said separately about the safety of tetraborate for a child. This substance is an antiseptic, and therefore does not pose any particular danger. However, as with the use of any other drug, when it comes into contact with the skin, allergic reactions and a burning sensation may occur.
In addition to tetraborate for slime, you will need PVA glue. And if you want to add bright colors to the toy - also food coloring.
When you have all the necessary inventory and materials for making a toy, you can start making a slime from PVA glue.
Pour a tube of glue or part of it into the prepared dish (depending on what size slime you want to get), and then, stirring the mass with a stick, add tetraborate until the desired consistency is obtained. If necessary, add dyes to the mass.
This recipe will create a matte white or matte colored slime. If you want a more transparent toy, you can add some water along with sodium tetraborate.
If you made a slime from PVA glue and sodium tetraborate, pay attention to the period of use of the toy. It will retain its properties for about one to two weeks. Next, it is better to throw out the slime and, if necessary, make a new one.